Computer Graphics 2012-2013

Blog to accompany the CG course

Where I went these holidays


Write a creative post to go with your Google Earth tour. How to make it:

  • Your post should read like someone giving a bus tour of places you went on this holiday – if you did not go anywhere use your imagination and think of places you wanted to go.
  • I do not want you to read out a list of places you went to.
  • You should refer to the google Earth tour.
  • You must include at least three images of the places you visited.
  • You must describe some of the things you did over the course of the holidays in the places you went to – e.g. if you went skiing, was it any good, did you have a favourite piste? Do you have a particular memory of the skiing? etc.
  • Use your imagination, be creative, make it interesting.
  • You will present your holiday to the class with the google tour on Tuesday.

Follow this link for instructions to embed a GoogleMap into a post.

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