Computer Graphics 2012-2013

Blog to accompany the CG course

February 21, 2013
by H. Watanabe

Computer graphics 25-28 February

Complete the two Word documents on CDL Moodle and upload them to the assignment feature. Don’t forget to comment on the Blog page of everyone else.

For the 4th of March, bring your Raspberry Pi, and we will do an install party with the different operating systems you selected in the projects list. Also update the Forum on CDL Moodle with your Raspberry Pi projects.

January 24, 2013
by H. Watanabe

What should be on my blog? 01.2013

In order to help you with the assignments list and work blog posts, download the Word document: What should be on my Blog – 01.2013 on CDL Moodle. Once done, upload the file to the assignment: What should be on my Blog – 01.2013. The due date for completing this document is the 7th of February 2013.

January 24, 2013
by H. Watanabe

Photography Assignment

In order to help you with the Photography assignmnets, download the Word document: Photography Blog Page on CDL Moodle. Once done, upload the file to the assignment: Photography Blog Document.

January 17, 2013
by H. Watanabe

Raspberry Pi Projects

You can find on CDL Moodle the list of the projects available. There is also a new Forum where you can talk about projects that you think are interesting and usefull for you. Each one will have to come up with his own project and describe it on the Forum.

Create a new Post on your Blog describing this personal project, and also why you choose the two standard projects and how you plan to implement and use them on the Raspberry Pi.

January 15, 2013
by H. Watanabe

Thursday 17th of January

By Thursday your blog should be completely up to date with following items:

1. Feed your Blog

– Write on an actual topic

– Share a YouTuber you follow regularely

2. Own Drawing

– From Moodle, download your handmade picture and edit it with Photoshop then upload to Dropbox with the link in your blog

3. Page on Photography

– Choose a picture, analyze it from an artistic perspective and a technical point of view.

4. Picture correction

– Edit and correct your picture with Enthread and edit your Photography page.

5. Subscribers

– Add your friends as subscribers to your blog

6. Effects

– Upload your powerpoint to a new post.

7. Google Earth

– Earth tour of your holidays

8. Picture manipulation

– Upload to a new blog page your manipulated picture.

January 15, 2013
by H. Watanabe

Where I went these holidays

Write a creative post to go with your Google Earth tour. How to make it:

  • Your post should read like someone giving a bus tour of places you went on this holiday – if you did not go anywhere use your imagination and think of places you wanted to go.
  • I do not want you to read out a list of places you went to.
  • You should refer to the google Earth tour.
  • You must include at least three images of the places you visited.
  • You must describe some of the things you did over the course of the holidays in the places you went to – e.g. if you went skiing, was it any good, did you have a favourite piste? Do you have a particular memory of the skiing? etc.
  • Use your imagination, be creative, make it interesting.
  • You will present your holiday to the class with the google tour on Tuesday.

Follow this link for instructions to embed a GoogleMap into a post.

January 15, 2013
by H. Watanabe

Effects exercise

Modifying colors with Photoshop

Go on the Internet and find a photo (at least 400 pixels wide or high) on which you will do the following exercise. The photo must be of nature, with many colors in it the activity will be difficult on a photo with too much of one thing (e.g. snow, ocean, desert etc.)

Start Photoshop, and paste the photo as new image. Resize it, so that the longer side is 400 pixels.

Duplicate the layer, so that you still have your original as background.

Start a new PowerPoint presentation, write your name on the first slide and paste on it your image.

Now go back on internet, on the site

Follow the tutorial, but each time you learn something new and you do it in the tutorial, switch to Photoshop and do it also on your image. Always start from the original image.

  • First change only the Hue. In the next slide in Powerpoint paste at least 3 different copies of the image with the Hue changed, and write next to each the Hue value. Copy the definition of Hue on the slide.
  • Repeat on the next two slides changing the Saturation and Brightness one at the time (and copy the definitions)
  • Then change the three together, and paste 3 trials on the next slide, always remembering to start form the original image, and to write the values that you have changed.

Once finished the tutorial, practice with the various filters and effects available in Photoshop.

Paste at least 3 modified copies of the image, writing specifically how you did it. Using any of the filters or effects you have discovered.

Now try to reproduce the following settings, and paste them (two per slide) with the description on how you did it.

Do at least 5 of the effects:

  1. Sepia
  2. Sunset
  3. Stormy day
  4. Night of full moon.
  5. Snow (you must select a specific part of the image and apply an effect only on that part)
  6. Cartoon style drawing
  7. Mosaic
  8. Artist’s rendering, black and white
  9. Art painting (colored)
  10. Dark, with a beam of light as from a lamp or a projector.

January 8, 2013
by H. Watanabe

About Histograms

The histogram on a DSLR will help you see the light distribution that the sensor is perceiving. Now you should always rely on what you see with your eyes, the histogram is only there to help you in difficult light conditions. You can read the following guide made by Ken Rockwell:

 You can also look at the followingh resource to see what a good histogram should look like in different environments and conditions:

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