Computer Graphics 2012-2013

Blog to accompany the CG course

January 7, 2013
by H. Watanabe


In order for the rest of the class to see your blog and create a stronger link between them, you will have to make each of them a subscriber on your blog.

Under Users – Add New – Add existing user by entering the email address to find the student.

You have to add each of the email addresses in the page linked.

January 7, 2013
by H. Watanabe
0 comments picture correction

Download a new picture or take the one you choose in your Page on Photography. You can use the website and modify the basics.

Access the website using Firefox and not IE.

Create a new section in your Page and add this picture.

January 7, 2013
by H. Watanabe

DSLR Camera elements

Read the document on CDL Moodle entitled: Introduction by Fryrender. This will contain a guide to all the elements of a DSLR and how they affect the picture taken with a camera. On Moodle you will find two links to CameraSim in order to test a virtual camera and modify the aperture, shutter speed an ISO values.

December 10, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Introduction to Photography

On CDL Moodle, you will find a link and a PDF document. The link points to “A Quick Intro to Photography” by Ben Collins-Sussman that will guide you towards the basics of Photography. We will comment it together and  play with a Canon 7D equipped with a 24-105 f/4L IS USM lens.

December 3, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Blog Page on Photography

As an introductory exercise into photography:

  1. Find a picture that you find appealing on the internet.
  2. Paste the photo into a new blog page (make sure to correctly reference the photograph).
  3. Describe the photo. Any/all of the following:
    • what you think is happening in the photo,
    • what is the background to the photo,
    • does the photo tell a story
  4. Describe what makes the photograph appealing.
  5. You should comment constructively (according to the guidelines) on everyone else’s choice of photo.

November 19, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Your own drawing

Your drawings are scanned and ready on CDL Moodle. Download your drawing, and start editing it on Photoshop. You will have to build the environment of your item. When you chose your drawing, you imagined it in a scene, you will have to build it in Photoshop with the tools learned in the Avatar exercise. Once completed, upload the PSD to your Dropbox or any cloud storage service and copy the generated public link to your post on the topic. Don’t forget to include the original file and the finished picture in JPG or PNG side by side.

Check the work of the other students and put a comment on each of them. As indicated in the category, this assignment is classified as Work.

November 15, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Feed your Blog!

Ok, you know now how to customize your blog. Write one post on any topic that is actual and another on a youtuber you follow and that is either fun or interesting to you, and that you want to share with the world. This will determine the public type that you target.

Your followers will then give you a feedback on the content you uploaded. We will all play the followers role by commenting on the two posts of the other students.

October 30, 2012
by H. Watanabe

What is on your Blog so far ?

You should have done the following on your Blog:

  1. Have a page for each activity we have done so far
    • What is a Blog? – Prezi
    • Goanimate – Internet Saftey
    • Avatar Photoshop picture
    • Game advertising poster (once complete)
  2. The front page of your blog must have links to each of these activties as posts.
  3. Added links to everyone elses blog as a drop down list on the front page of your blog.
  4. You must have a “Tag Cloud”  – (under Widgets in Appearance menu)
    • Your posts must be tagged with appropriate “labels” (tags).
  5. The following will be graded for this marking period:
    1. What is a Blog? – Prezi
    2. Goanimate – Internet Safety
    3. Avatar picture
    4. Game advertising Poster

October 30, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Game advertising poster

As an exercise, you will design a poster to advertise a computer game, it can be an existing game from miniclip or similar or any game of your choice. As posters for these types of game do not exist it must be entirely made up and most of the information will not be known.

You could use the online photoediting tool or any online photoediting tool you choose.

The poster should be in A4 format (you will need to find the correct dimensions).

The web is full of sites where you can see examples of posters. Make sure that you do not miss any of the essential parts, each on a separate layer.

The poster can be mostly graphical but should contain at least:

  • Picture of the game
  • Name of the game Ÿ
  • Age limit of game (PG, U, etc.)
  • Platform (PC, Mac, PS3, Ouya etc.)
  • The name of the producer, writer, developer or similar
  • At least 5 other layers/components

The completed poster should be posted as a page rather than a post.

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