Italian restaurant in CDL


Tonight was the inauguration of our “Tuesday Italian restaurant” in the dining hall. The place is reserved for 36 kids each time and today the priority was given to the prefects, House rep and members of committees.

They could enjoy antipasti, pizza of their choice and pannacotta! HUMMMM

Alumni visit

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On friday I had a very good surpise. The visit of Momo and Akiko who were boarders some years ago (graduated in 2007 and 2008) and of an ex-colleague who was working in the Boarding House Ferrari back then.

They decided to come all the way from Japan to see us!!

It was a very nice and emotional moment, remembering stories and students from that time, sharing news from each other around a cup of tea.

They also had the opportunity to meet Tomomi who was very interested in listening to their CDL boarder experience.

They’re adult now but CDL was a big and important part of their teenage years.

A nice evening in the house


Tonight after our weekly house meeting we watched in replay the 1st Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton for the US Elections. It was a very interesting moment… which ended with a group of girls sleeping on the sofas!!