
We are excited for next Tuesday!!! We will be practicing our french between each other since the morning until the evening!

We will learn a lot! But prepare yourselves with google translator because there is absolutely no english allowed!

:O 🙂 😀 




Bonnes vacances!!!

All the girls left the boarding house for a deserved break!

It’s great to see that everyone followed perfectly the procedure (fridge empty, nothing left in the laundry, rooms perfectly in order, tickets sent on time…). Thank you. GOOD JOB!

Enjoy your break and see you soon!


University applications

Congratulations to Kamila who submitted her university applications today! We are sure that wherever you go you will have a fantastic time reading History and Italian!

All our girls are thinking about their futures at the moment, and there are a lot of personal statements and essays being written! It is a very exciting time and we’re positive that everyone will go on to great places!

Small Markets in France!!

Today we went to a market in France and here are some pictures of things that we saw and liked.

Our tutor Lucy took us and we love her. She is amazing!!!!!So is Linda. They are our two favourite people in the whole wide world!!!!!