Halloween day, Welcome back girls!!!
RISE! Spirit ;-)
We’ve got Respect, Internationalism and now Spirit
What means spirit for us?
The prevailing or typical quality, mood, or attitude of a person, group, or period of time.“I hope the team will build on this spirit of confidence”
synonyms: prevailing tendency, motivating force, animating principle, dominating characteristic.
Definition of respect
: a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc.
: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way
: a particular way of thinking about or looking at something
In our house we think we know the meaning but sometimes we struggling a bit and everyone has to work in it all the time. No always is easy but this is the reason we are learning from others.
This is the first word from RISE, we will tell you soon the next one 😉
Charity Concert!
A day in Annecy
Our Trips for this year
“Enjoy the great opportunity to be part of these amazing trips: Switzerland Watchmaking Experience, Fuerteventura Surf Camp and Costa Rica. Sign up to any of these before 30th September please. Email: leticia.devega-dublan@cdl.ch “