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In my opinion,I can say that everyone cannot be our friend,because you need a time to know people.If they can be your friend or not.In this video I saw that guy wants to meet with someone and be a friend.But it is not right way to meet people.If it was me,I would say no,because I dont know that person personally.At list you have to meet once to understand person’s character.Generally I can say that every one cannot be your friend,because there are a lot of people that they are talking behind your back.That’s why I think that we shouldn’t say to everyone that you are my friend or meet someone that you don’t know.

In Second video,it is obviously that there are people that they are using it to benefit from or learn something and there are people that they are using it for spend time and cycerbullying.One of the Benefit of social networksite’s are friend can connect anywhere and anytime.In 2009 55%  of teens are using their time in social networks.Someone is using it in good way someone is not.Also if we look most visited social sites.In 1 st place:Facebook.195 million people are using facebook.Someone is using ot to share a photos,someone is using it to create fake acoount and see your photos or take your photos and create another account.

About bullying,I can say that bullying won’t go away if we do nothing.But it can if you do something.It’s up to all of us to create and shape the online spaces that we like to spend our time in.  Sharing to much can lead to cyberbullying.Now 39% of teens on social networks have been cyberbullied and some of them have even committed suicide.