Residential Volunteering with RSPB – UK and Europe

Residential volunteering is your chance to have a break, try something new or get some experience for your CV.

There are over 40 different places to stay and hundreds of things to do. You can spend a week or more on a reserve, and you can do it alone or bring a friend.

We’ll provide you with accommodation, new skills and some great memories.

Browse through the opportunities further down the page to see what takes your fancy. If you’d prefer a Highland adventure to a long stay in Suffolk, you can filter the opportunities using the location button.

If you’d like a taster of what it’s like to be a residential volunteer, you can watch this short video:

Cuisine à thèmes

Activity name: Cuisine à thèmes (Desserts, plats typique, entrées.) 


Activity duration: one term but if the activity progresses well I will think about doing it for the three terms.

Date of offer: from 4pm to 5:15pm on Mondays from 24th October

Outline of activity with a description: This activity will be the occasion for students to show cooking talents and present recipes from their country. Every month the teacher will choose a new theme for this activity for example:

  • November : desserts
  • December : Christmas themed dishes
  • Monthly student recipes from his/her country
  • It will also be an occasion for the students to work on their French vocabulary because the activity will most of the time be in French.

Qualifications: The students from all sections are welcomed in this activity if they already have bases in French (Minimum one year of French already done). Maximum 10 students.

Target age group: 15 to 18 years old

Location: Kitchen (possibly in the school, to be confirmed). Students will need an apron and a little notebook to write some recipes and vocabulary words.

Please contact Madame LONGHI-CASTELLINO by email : for further information.