
Formulation, a universal phenomenon discovered and studied by Arno Stern between 1950 and 1980.
Humanity has always communicated using drawn signs, or Traces. While these images allowed people to enter into contact with others, a primary function remained unknown.

Once this manifestation is no longer destined for others and is freed of the need to be understood by a receiver it can become the Expression of organic memory.

Drawing appears among small children’s earliest gestures. The first Traces are dependent on motor skills. Their development then follows a programmed process, and is not, as some have thought, based on children’s observation of their environment.

The set of signs born of this sequence has been called Formulation by Arno Stern.

Formulation is a coherent and universal system. It is not limited by age, but accompanies the life of all human beings throughout all phases of their existence, regardless of their cultural conditioning.

This aspect of the ability of transmission is only revealed under the right conditions. Formulation is aroused and stimulated in the Closlieu, a specific space that shelters it from influences and distractions.

Formulation is born of an act driven by inner necessity and does not produce an artwork. It is sufficient unto itself and gives previously-unfelt pleasure in that, through this Trace, an extremely ancient retention is released. Formulation is the only material manifestation of organic memory (memory of the events of the organism’s formation).


Environmental Project!

This afternoon the Champs des Bois boys + Arush from Concha Blanca ran an environmental project. They literally cleaned ALL the campus from the Primary section to the Moleson area, including football fields, parking etc. They have worked on this project for about two hours with great spirit and enthusiasm.
The idea behind this project is that we should not consider only our HOME as the place where we return after our daily commitments, take showers, get food and sleep. The concept of HOME should be extended to our communities, cities, countries and more extensively to our own planet.
The aim is to raise respectful and mindful human beings. This generation will have to carry the burden of the mistakes made up until now when it comes to environmental care. They no longer have the luxury to postpone the issue. Any 21st century educational institution has the moral obbligation to tackle this issue with proactivity and seriousness.
The boys have managed to collect approximately 5 kg of trash; mainly plastic bottles, cans, paper and various snack bags. At the end we counted 42 small plastic bottles that we will proudly recycle.
The last step of the project consisted in answering the following questions:
Campus conditions: Can our campus be considered a clean place?
Which areas did we collect the most trash?
What kind of trash is easily found left out of the bins?
Are there enough bins or we should ask the manegement to install more?
How do you feel considering the action you have taken this afternoon to make of our school a better place and to spread awareness of the environmental care? 
It is worth mentioning that the boys will not get any special treatment or privilege in return… and they knew it.

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