The JV Boys (gr 7-8) Soccer Team, with Coach Guillermo, have been working hard all weekend in the annual SGIS Tournament held at La Chataigneraie  They achieved the second place after a final ended with penalties. Dima and George did a great job and came back with two beautiful medals. Well done guys! You made us proud.imageimage

Boarding Middle School Running Team!

This is the Junior Team that will represent CDL at the next ESCALADE race. L’Escalade commemorates the successful defense of the city against invasion in 1602 when the people of Geneva rallied to repel theimage Duke of Savoy and his mercenary horde. The festivities kick off on Sunday with a 5 mile race through the Old Town (see for details) and culminate the following weekend with a torchlight procession of over 1000 marchers dressed in period costumes through the city to the steps of Saint Peter’s Cathedral. The week between features exhibitions, concerts and shows celebrating different aspect of Geneva’s most triumphant victory.
