Making responsible choices

Our 5th Pillar of the Wellbeing programme was now formally launched in the May Boarding Assembly.

Making responsible choices works as a sum up of all the contents we have discussed in previous pillars and wraps up all that we try to help our students with. All we do in life is based on the decisions we take and it is our part to ensure that the ones we take are the best possible, for us and for those around us.

Looking back, this links directly with the way we take care of ourselves and our health. In our Pillar 1 we have worked on it.

It also links in the way we live together, respecting our differences and finding strength in what brings us as a big family. In our Pillar 2 we have discussed that.

We also need to establish positive connections with the people around us, positive links that need to be cherished and preserved. That was the topic of our Pillar 3

In a virtual world as the one we have today, it is even more important to take our precautions online and establish limits to how much we share and what we share. That was our Pillar 4.

So, in this pillar, our approach will be to ask for reflection from our inner selves and find out the strategies and motivations behind each choice we make: our background, motivations, fears… and with this, be able to get to the core of ourselves and better identify who we are and what leads us to the ways we follow in life.




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