Go simpler. And simpler. And even more simpler. Complicated or complex technology don’t deliver to the students. Students and teachers moved from info consumer to producers. Scratch at MIT good example. Passive learning moves to more active learning. www.davittlearning.net. We should educate students (and adults) to differ instant gratification, since they’d learn more by waiting then by getting. In 60 secs mashups to look for. #freelearning feed to look for. Look for Davitt’s creativity matrix.
Great stuff looked at. Great stuff to look at. CU2morrow
Digital Citizenship
Raw notes on John Mikton’s workshop on Digital Citizenship.
Go from global issue to local/individual issue. Twitter and blogs helped arabic-spring youngsters telling outer world what was going on in their countries. Shift in the balance of power. Autocratic countries are defeated even when cutting down the internet as citizen can use mobile phones to route their msg through phone operators (own for the most part by the same autocratic states). Death threats on Alexandra Wallace at UCLA to serve as example on who has ownership on digital content! TED talks as exemple of positive way of using technology in schools. Kiva website to show how to leverage socnet to improve people’s lives. The concept of ownership started changing from kids perspective. Downloading music illegally for example isn’t considered thieving, despite it being strictly it. Digital basket concept during sleepovers to be dug in and further explained. Sending nasty comments from behind a screen: the senderfeels nothing, the recipient is hurted twice as much!
Setup socnet (facebook, blogs) that serve academic purposes. Look for Jack Black video on youtube. Intellectual property for little ones, try to impersonate kids drawings. Think before you post! (look for video). Autumn Edows video. ISP provides 6 workshops a year for parents (3 mornings 3 evenings) on Facebook access settings, privacy, copyrights, information overload. Involve PFA as of January! Re-read Byron review, plus ITSE docs on Digital Citizenship.
Critical aspect is to find ‘air time’ to get e-safety and DC to be delivered and cultivated throughout school.
Creative comments plugin for Firefox to teach kids copyright. Directly links pics found on Google Images to their source in Flickr. Impressive. Make sure everyone does that.
Heading to closure conference.
Bonne soiree a tous 🙂
Podcasting Creation
Raw notes on Leah Threesh’s podcasting workshop.
From amateur radio to internet (audio & video) files distribution. Boomed in 2004. What matters in podcasting is not how craete it but how you distribute it. ECIS iTunes U. Excellent way to build a community (one of CDL’s main aims). Podcasting is about to make knowledge available to others. Building a collective body of work in which community may tap in. Podcasting purposes: giving clear instructions, explain a concept, demonstrate a technique, explain a process. Benefit is asynchronous aspect. Targetted audiences watch or listen when they have the time. Student-made podcasts aim for: demonstrate learning, tell a story, engage in a dialogue, etc. Screenflow app, useful for podcast creation. 8 rules of podcasting Kirk’s 8 rules of podcasting. Caster app for iPhone/iPad useful too. Using podcasts in class helps saving time for doing things rather than giving lectures and instructions. Tips: forget about perfectionism, think short attention span, keep your eyes on the goal, get a laugh, don’t be a loner 🙂
Tech tips: set sound preferences, count to three, record in small pieces, organize images in advance, garageband : start with sound, imovie : start with image, quicktime : be ready to roll, screenflow : number each clip! Other tip: use Google Earth virtual tour and record it for podcasts.
Awesome online recording app: screencastomatic!!! Audacity app to check (multiplatform). Find ways of using iPad and iPhones to podast and share with Leah Treesh (MIS).
Online form on ECIS to get setup on ECIS iTunes U. Evaluate and further analyse. Make sure to record sound with direct microphone, not ambiant.
Time to go to lunch. Hyper interesting session on podcasts. Look forward to shring it with you guys! Cheers.
@johndavitt Keynote on ‘Learn, Share, Collaborate’
Short written notes on opening speech. Interesting links to visit/follow.
@johndavitt, www.newtools.org, ECIS hashtag #ecis2011, Learning Score free to download,
Learning curve, from slate to iPad. Do we want to keep talking about what’s technically possible or do we want to find ways of what’s not? We should be using technology with subtlety and nuance. Tag (and geotag) contents and curricula on social networks (flickr, etc.). www.wordle.net, a way to share #1. www.bit.ly/ididwell. Contributing, share a small idea in 5 mins, do not be afraid of ephemeral, use it. www.bit.ly/schoolofthemoment. Technology and paper-based books, docs, are complementary, not opposed. We must teach kids to make the most and best use of both ‘worlds’. Let’s acknowledge difference when facing the apprehension of new learning. Build on it.
Next workshop is on podcasting. Stay tuned. Cheers.
Few Twitter & Instagram Posts
Just check left and right columns. Cheers folks. Have all a good day. Further posts and pics to come.