Raw Talent! – Collège du Léman Talent Show: 29th of March 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen! Roll up! Roll up! Have I got a show for you! And I mean a ‘show’! A truly rare occasion for rare folks! A chance to witness the Collège du Léman talent show!

From all corners of the lake-side campus, the strange, the joyous and the downright marvelous houses assemble under the Eiger auditorium’s roof and perform their bespoke acts to amaze and shock!

But first, a performative aperitif!

(above) Our very own C.D.L boarding staff -under the direction of Leman’s Rogerio- open the spectacular evening with an unusual number.

And with that…

Let the show begin!

The Maritime

The Chaotic

The Choreographed

The Mysterious!

The Esoteric!


It’s a show like no other that really showcases the planning and forethought of our brilliant boarders! Piecing together unique performances to thrill and amaze! With the element of surprise, there’s not much we can come up with that won’t impress!

Best of the best from Collège du Léman and the Olympus Boys!

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