Mindfulness session with Mrs. Jody

The thing that separates the good schools from the great, is about how well they understand that what they teach, doesn’t just lie in the academic. For as high as our academic standards at C.D.L are and how hard our students work; what we pride ourselves on is an education that can prepare us for when life truly begins.

And much like the academic, the basics is where it all comes together. Because maintaining a healthy body and mind doesn’t require much creativity. But it does require routine. Simple maintenance in the most obvious areas. Getting enough sleep. Eating well. Reducing time spent between them and electronics. And it’s easy to forget that. So at C.D.L, in our Wellness sessions, we bring our girls at Villa Terray together to remind them about those healthy basics and getting them involved in revitalising their interest in them.

Featured below is a photograph of our boarding C.D.L counsellor Mrs Jody supervising a mindfulness exercise.


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