Help out in Kindergarden

CDL Kindergarden is looking for students to help them run some of their Christmas art and craft activities. The activities will run from 9:00 – 12:00 and 1:00 and 3:00, so if you have any free periods during this time and are in need of some CAS hours or just want to help with the activities.

Please contact or for further information.

Christmas Market

CAS and REACH Hours available
Students are needed to help with the Christmas Market on the 7th December.

We need volunteers to set up tables at our PFA stalls the evening before from 4-6pm on the 6th of December,  and to tidy up at the end of the event around 4pm.
If interested see Ms Ross or email:

Become an ASK volunteer

The ASK volunteer programme is for volunteers who want to make a difference through volunteering. To truly make a difference, volunteers need to be committed to their volunteer service, and be willing to invest their time to make a change in the lives of people who need their help.
ASK volunteer program provides the opportunity and the support to both adults and young adults (ages 15 through 18) to make a difference in their community through volunteering. Through a unique network approach, ASK volunteer program exposes the volunteers to positive experiences that may affect their views on community service… now and in the future.


Someone we can call upon to help us during their free time, to assist in one of the many activities run by ASK. Our volunteers include young adults who mentor a peer and/or help out at the monthly organized outings. We are a parent community that believes in using our time & talent to help children; young and not so young, who need a little more attention, time and patience to reach their best potential in life.

Please visit our website Programs link and view the programs that may interest you. 

Volunteer Brochure             Volunteer Registration Form


Geneva Association for Social Integration

There are several volunteer opportunities to earn service hours volunteering for the Geneva Association of Social Integration (AGIS) – these are people of all ages who would like to spend some of their spare time with handicapped people.
You don’t need any particular skills, just the willingness to share a little bit of your free time, once a week, once a month, or whenever you can.

If you have the time to offer and would like to know more please contact. tél: 022 308 98 10 (French Speaking), have a look at some of the offers available at the moment.

Red Cross Food Collection

In Pays de Gex the yearly food collection in supermarkets by the French Banque Alimentaire is going to take place on Friday November 25 and Saturday November 26. Spoken French is fine, but not a necessity, if at least someone in each group of students speaks French. (There are many English speaking customers.
The Croix Rouge (Red Cross) is coordinating the event and volunteers are needed in:

  • Carrefour La Poterie (the big Carrefour in Ferney-Voltaire)
  • Migros in the shopping center Val Thoiry

It is suggested that students from College du Leman participate after school on Friday afternoon until the shops are closing,


  • 4.30 – 9.00 PM (or until the shops close)


  • 8.30 AM – 9.00 PM or 
  • 8.30 – 10.00 AM
  • 4.30 – closing.

It is necessary to fill in and sign a form at Croix Rouge beforehand and show a passport and leave a copy of the passport. For those below 18 years of age, the parent has to sign.

Minors need written permission from their parents, and an adult (min 18 years) needs to be in the group of four at any time.

The students need to fill in their REACH forms and take them to the supermarkets, so they can be evaluated and signed or handed in to the Red Cross on the same day.

If you are are interested you can get in touch with the Red Cross:

Please get in touch with:

Catherine Bollard, Tel. +33  474 51 87 84 or  +33 623 84 42 14 e-mail: for further information. Mme Bollard speaks French and very little English.
Fiona Roynette Tel:  +33 450 40 60 23  The Red Cross in Prevessin and responsible for the food collection at Leclerc speaks English and French.

Croix-Rouge Française
Délégation Pays de Gex
453, Route du Nant
F-01280 Prévessin-Moëns

Calling All Photographers

Mrs Gilbert needs photographers to take pictures during end of year concerts at the following times:

22nd November        18.30 Eiger Aud  All Choirs and Bands:  St Cecialia’s Day Concert

6th December:           18.00 and 19.30  All Gr4ade 7 / 5ème perform Winter Concert.  All Singing and all Playing!

12th December:         18.30 private Lessons Recital.  Eiger Aud

12, 13, 14 December 9.45 Pre School Concerts in Eiger Aud.

For further information on how you can earn your service or creative hours please contact: or

ZOA Trip 2012

Activity name: ZOA Trip 2012

Activity duration:  Meetings every Tuesday MB211 at 4pm

Date of offer: 30th June to 19th July 2012 in Zambia

Outline of activity with a description:   The group flies to Lusaka and then travels by chartered coach to Serenje, Northern Zambia. They stay in a local secure Guesthouse and work for 10 days at the orphanage known as the ‘Serenje Orphans Childrens Home’ (SOCH). Information about the orphanage and some of the activities carried out by past groups, can be seen here:

Qualifications: No prior qualifications needed but a commitment to the ZOA charity has to be made and a willingness to take part in activities throughout the year to raise money for the orphanage and awareness of the situation of millions of orphans throughout Africa.

Target age group: 15 to 18 years old

Costs: A maximum cost of CHF 4000 – depending on costs of flights.

For further information please contact: Kevin Gilbert ( or Ryan Blyth (

Emergency First Response Qualification

Activity name: EFR courses Emergency First Response

Activity duration:  Tuesdays and Thursdays 16h to 20h30. A small pause from 18h to 18h30 is given for a personal snack.

Date of offer: The dates are set when the inscriptions are over

Outline of activity with a description:  It is a Primary and Secondary Care program offered to CDL students. It comprises EFR for Adult Care, Children Care and Infant Care. It also teaches the use of the Automated External Defibrillator(we have the latest models for demonstration). EFR courses are professional courses which should not to be confused with the samaritan course.

Qualifications: No prior qualifications needed but the course provides CAS (provided you volunteer as an EFR security responder during a school sports event ) and REACH hours. It may give extra-curricular credit when applying for universities.

Target age group: 15 to 18 years old


  • We offer for CDL students the complete EFR courses for 340 CHF instead of the 780 outside of CDL. Students receive an International Personal Card valid in the whole world. Every two years students may do a refresher course
  • EFR Primary and Secondary Care Adults 170 CHF compared to 330 CHF external
  • EFR Primary and Secondary Care Children extra  70 CHF compared to 330 CHF external
  • Automated External Defibrillator 70 CHF compared to 120 CHF external
  • Inscription fee 30 CHF
  • The price includes Certification, PIC card.

If you would like further information please contact Vladimir Stosic (

CDL Yearbook

Activity name: Yearbook

When: Every Tuesday and Friday from 4 pm until 5/5.30 pm

What: With students from the High School we produce the CDL Highschool yearbook.

Who: Motivated students. Students sign for one group 

  • Photography ( they must have there one camera and be competent in this area) / 
  • Documentation ( no particular skills required)  / 
  • Layout ( must be able to work with photoshop, if they are new to photoshop they can observe us for a week and help the following.

 Target age group  Highschool

Where: Computer room CR413

If you are interested in taking part in this activity please contact: Bénédicte Hurel: béné