Introduction to Clay Sculpture

Activity Name: Introduction to Clay Sculpture

When: Mondays from 4 to 5 and from 5:30 to 6::30  (possibly on Wednesdays if demand is great, class size limited to 12)

What: This broadly based course is an introduction to clay sculpture of modeled and constructed form. A variety of sculpture techniques (relief, coils, hand forming, sand pressing and glazing) and materials are used to develop skills and provide a basis for creative development aimed at gaining sensitivity in the composition, observation, and analysis of sculptural form.

Who: Students should be motivated to want to work and create with their hands.

Target age group l4 to l8

Any students interested in this activity should contact James Lang

Soup Kitchen CAS/REACH opportunity

Activity name: Soup Kitchen
When: First Saturday of Every month normally starting at 10 am
What: Every month the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Geneva serves a meal to around 100 homeless or indigent local people.  We welcome student help with chopping chicken and vegetables, preparing salad, and serving the food.  This involves 2 to 3 hours of work. 
Where: It is located directly behind Gare Cornavin, but lifts are available from the school (leaving at 9h30).

Who: In general, regulars are preferred since they will have some idea what to do after the first visit, but first time participation is encouraged including those just sampling the activitiy.  French language skills are welcome but not needed.
For further information please contact Mr Evans-Klock

New York by Frank Rimmer

There is a play being put on by CDL drama department and they are looking for students to help with the production. These are the way that students could get involved for CAS or REACH. We will then arrange a meeting for those who want to help.

  • SET DESIGN (art students, graphic design)
  • Ticket sale/ charity event raise money for ZOA? (man power and come up with and implement ways to promote the show in school raising money for charity.

Email Mr Penrose at or Mr Abbate at 

International Award

Collège du Léman is going to be offering The International Award. This is an exciting self-development programme available to all 14 to 25 year olds. Over 7 million young people worldwide have taken up the Award challenge.

The Award is tough but it is about individual challenge, not about reaching specific standards set by someone else. Young people design their own Award Programme, set their own goals, and record their own progress. The only person they compete against is themselves, by challenging their own beliefs about what they can achieve.

Young people who do the Award:

  • Discover what they are made of
  • Make an impact on their community
  • Develop a set of life skills.
  • Most of all, they have fun

For further information please contact: Victoria Wilson or Olly Corbin:

Cuisine à thèmes

Activity name: Cuisine à thèmes (Desserts, plats typique, entrées.) 


Activity duration: one term but if the activity progresses well I will think about doing it for the three terms.

Date of offer: from 4pm to 5:15pm on Mondays from 24th October

Outline of activity with a description: This activity will be the occasion for students to show cooking talents and present recipes from their country. Every month the teacher will choose a new theme for this activity for example:

  • November : desserts
  • December : Christmas themed dishes
  • Monthly student recipes from his/her country
  • It will also be an occasion for the students to work on their French vocabulary because the activity will most of the time be in French.

Qualifications: The students from all sections are welcomed in this activity if they already have bases in French (Minimum one year of French already done). Maximum 10 students.

Target age group: 15 to 18 years old

Location: Kitchen (possibly in the school, to be confirmed). Students will need an apron and a little notebook to write some recipes and vocabulary words.

Please contact Madame LONGHI-CASTELLINO by email : for further information.

2011 Gift Box Appeal

MADS is again organising the gift box appeal for the High School and Second Cycle.
The boxes go to underprivileged children in schools and orphanages in Eastern Europe such as Belarus.
  • The boxes must be unisex
  • For children aged 4-14. 
  • It is essential that each box contains all of the items included in the attached list and in approximately the quantities given.
Boxes can be left in CR215 until November 23rd. Each box must have one of the labels with the items ticked attached to each box.
For more information please follow this link or email

Global Youth Conference 2011

17 – 19 October 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

9 am to 4:30 pm, Institute National Genevois


3 days – Effects of climate change, new energies, nanotechnologies and the law, positive action and more.


  1. To send a message to negotiators at COP 17 in Durban
  2. To plan together for future action – RIO+20 and more

Discussion now for action in the future.

For more information go to:

Come to MADS meetings on Tuesday from 13.00 to 14.00 in room CR215 or email