Computer Graphics 2012-2013

Blog to accompany the CG course

October 11, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Raspberry PI

Raspberry PI, what do you think about it ? Express yourserlf in the comments, or create a new post on your blog to talk about it.

October 11, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Widgets and Tags

Your sidebar entries are the default ones from Edublogs. Widgets (in the appearance settings) let you change and personalize the side bar. Use the widgets to have a sidebar with at least all the things that are already there and two new … Continue reading

October 11, 2012
by H. Watanabe

Blog appearance

You can modify the the me of your blog, and before applying it, you can have a preview. Try some themes, and pick one that you like. You can stay on the default one if you want.

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