Wellbeing Pillar 5: Making Safe and Responsible Choices

Our last well-being pillar was launched on Wednesday during our Boarding Assembly. Over the next few weeks, our incredible team of advocates will be talking and discussing how to make safe and responsible choices.

We are pleased to have Sofiya as our own advocate for the house! We will be sharing more information every week. Stay tuned!

Lina and Maria 🐿️

Tennis night in Villa Ecureuil πŸŽΎπŸŽ‰

Kseniia is passionate about tennis; she has been playing for as long as she can remember being able to walk. She doesn’t miss a chance to watch any ATP tournament on TV. Last night it was time to support MedvΓ©dev, a tennis player she is very fond of. Unfortunately, he had to retire but Kseniia was still happy he had the chance to play for a full set despite his injury.

Maria and Lina 🐿️