Final moments with our G12

Our Grade 12 and Ib2 students have been working very hard for the last couple of weeks to prepare for their end-of-year exams. It will soon be time to say goodbye and see you soon, as we will have the chance to see them again one last time at their graduation ceremony in June.

Today we say goodbye to Defne, who will be finishing her IB2 exams on Friday.

Akmaral, Bruna, Defne, Ana Sofia, Ana Lucia, and Mia, we wish you the best of luck, we are sure you are going to do amazing. We are really proud of you β™₯️

Maria and Lina 🐿️

Last dinner in the house 🏑

Today marks the first time we say “last”. Today we had our last dinner in the house and to celebrate we enjoyed a delicious lasagna and tiramisu. The girls gathered around the table and enjoyed a relaxing dinner sharing memories.

Maria and Lina 🐿️