Exploring Switzerland: A Journey of Learning and Discovery


Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey of discovery and education? At Champs Des Bois, we’ve launched an exciting initiative to learn more about the beautiful country we call home – Switzerland. Our goal is to dive deep into Switzerland’s rich culture, stunning landscapes, and unique traditions. Each month, we’ll search for a different aspect of this incredible country and test our knowledge with engaging Kahoot quizzes.

Month 1: Switzerland Cantons

Month 2: Landmarks that Define Switzerland

Month 3: Savoring Swiss Delicacies

Month 4: Navigating the Lakes of Switzerland

Month 5: Scaling the Swiss Mountains

Month 6: Putting Knowledge to the Test with Kahoot Quizzes

What’s Next?

Join us on this educational adventure as we discover the hidden gems of Switzerland and foster a deeper appreciation for the place we call home. Stay tuned for more updates and insights into our monthly explorations.


Pillar 1 The better sleep Challenge!

Our focus this week centred around one of our essential pillars – the significance of adequate sleep and maintaining a healthy balance in the lives of our young boarders. 

The importance of this foundational pillar cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in our young boarders’ growth and overall well-being. Here is an overview of what we covered: (Understanding sleep, creating healthy sleep habits, unwinding before bed, reading, meditation, and yoga) We also watched an interesting video adapted to their age to understand why sleep is important.

The students voted to follow a weekly challenge to meditate 15 minutes before bed. This method can assist them in winding down and achieving a state of calm before bedtime. 

Great Weekend at Champs Des Bois

A fantastic weekend update for our young boarders! Offering a variety of activities is a great way to keep everyone engaged and entertained. Here are different activities that took place this weekend:

“Art & Craft station: where boarders unleashed their creativity, Movie night: Elemental fire, water, land and air residents live together. Tennis club, Paddleboarding, Climbing, Take away, Coop groceries, Chess club, Karting, football”

Mountain Bliss


A perfect weekend escape for CDL boarders at Fiesh Resort, the students shared unforgettable moments, breathtaking views, and lifelong memories in this mountain haven. Thank you to our fantastic Camp team who organises these fabulous outings.

Hello Weekend, I am So Happy To See You!!

Looking for an adrenaline rush and some serious outdoor fun? Look no further! This weekend, our boarders have two fantastic activities lined up that are guaranteed to get their spirits soaring – Acrobranche and Paddle Boarding! 🌊🌲 Others enjoyed joining a new woodwork workshop and watering our vegetable-raised beds 🙂 We decided to end this beautiful day by stopping at our local grocery store for some essentials.