End Of year Wishes From The CDB Boarding House

As we bid farewell to this year 2023-2024, A Huge Thank You to parents and Agents for your trust, collaboration and support. May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and wonderful experiences.

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season !

With heartfelt thanks and best wishes,

The CDB Boarding House Team

Graduation Day!

Celebrating the graduation of our boy Mana to grade 6. This marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of an exciting new journey. As he move up to the next grade,we are confident that he will continue to excel and make us proud in grade 6 and beyond.

Celebration time :-)

Congratulations to our boys for receiving their silver and bronze certificates, Jin finalist and cup winner of May fitness Challenge and Mana for graduating to grade 6. The future is bright, and we are excited to see all that you will accomplish!


Science Project and End Of Year Event

Sunday was a truly fun day! We started the day with Mr Zach and Mr Georges Science Project. The boys made rafts about of recycled materials. The rafts were then tested on the pool. We tested buoyancy, load limit and hydrodynamics. In the afternoon we joined a boarding wide party at Concha which celebrated the end of the year. Lots of fun had by all.


Runners vs Riders 6KM

On Saturday, Mana, Chika and Me George embarked on an epic 6KM run in the Runners vs Riders event. The two groups were competing against each other. The cyclists rode 170KM around Lake Leman and the runners had a 60KM relay. The cyclists won by about 20 minutes. Amazing effort from everyone involved, especially our very own Mana and Chika!

Genève et Dodgeball

Saturday saw our boys take a house trip to Geneva to buy some important end of year presents and treats from their home country’s. After dinner we went to the Primary Campus to enjoy some dodgeball! A very busy day, enjoyed by all.

Judo Graduation

We are very proud of our CDB student Chika for earning his new belt during graduation.This sport require these values in each lesson Courage, Respect, Modesty, Friendship, Honour, Sincerity, Self-control and Politeness.


A Great Shakespeare Play

 Grade 5  Today!

Today was a truly remarkable day as the talented students of Grade 5 put on a spectacular performance  of William Shakespeare’s classic plays. Their hard work and dedication were evident in every scene, and they brought the timeless story to life with enthusiasm and creativity.

A Wonderful International Day :-)

Our end-of-year event was a great celebration, bringing the CDL community together in a vibrant display of cultural diversity. The flavours from around the world were exquisite, the entertainment kept us enchanted throughout the afternoon. From captivating performances to engaging activities, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Splashing Around at Aquapark

Champs des Bois embarked on a Boarding Day Trip to the Aquapark. While there we enjoyed a relaxing ride down the Lazy River, sped down some looping slides and splashed around with our friends. A great time and all the students had massive amounts of fun.

Outing in Geneva

While some boys chose to relax in the Boarding House Kimi and Chika rathered a trip into Geneva. They made some nice memories, Chika bought a gift for his brother and Kimi did his casual shopping.

Little Bakers

Amazing young chefs have done it again. This time making use of local fruit. We were lucky enough to recieve 5 apple pies! Each one was baked by Jin, Mana, Chika, Kimi and Donny. Good thing their hungry boys!

Pillar 5 Building Resilience Against Peer Pressure ! Final week

Mr. Manu, house parent, recently conducted engaging workshops for our younger boarders on how to respond to peer pressure. He thoughtfully adapted the resources to ensure active student participation, making the session both informative and interactive.

1.The workshop began with a video introduction, setting the stage for the topic. Following this, a student advocate facilitated a game where students were presented with real-life scenarios and asked to discuss how they would respond to peer pressure in those situations. This hands-on approach allowed students to actively engage and think critically about their responses.

2.The following week, the focus shifted to tips on decision-making. Students filled out a toolkit designed to help them make informed and confident decisions when faced with peer pressure.

This small but impactful workshops provided a platform for students to brainstorm ideas and share their strategies for handling various scenarios. We are pleased with how Mr. Manu adapted this important topic for our boys, and we truly enjoyed the experience.



A Farewell Dinner At CDB

Our senior volunteer and friend to the boys visited last night and treated them to a delightful sushi feast as a token of appreciation for his time at Champs Des Bois. As he prepares to leave for university, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for his unwavering support and dedication to our young students. Thank you for everything you’ve done; you will be greatly missed!

Talented Photographer in CDB

We are proud to showcase Mana’s latest photographs. He has been attending an after-school photography club all year, and his teacher has praised his progress and the quality of his work. We will continue to encourage him to further develop this skill.

Great Pentecost Day

The boys cycled with Mr George 15 Km straight after breakfast, they truly enjoyed riding their bikes and later in the day they went on a  trip to Luna Park in Lausanne. Whilst Jin completed the final designs to the tepee sheets.  Our project is almost done 🙂

Gonet Geneva Open

On Saturday, our own tennis fanatic Jin went to the Geneva open to watch some first class tennis. He stayed the whole day and watched all the games that the Centre Court had to offer. Amazing experience!

A Journey Through Time

As you stroll along the corridors, immerse yourself in Champs des Bois’ latest project through history and time.

From the Magna Carta to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, each milestone represents a step forward in our collective quest for dignity, equality, and justice.

Enter the realm of the samurai, where honor, discipline, and courage reign supreme.

From the genius of Isaac Newton to the brilliance of Albert Einstein, our timeline celebrates the towering figures whose scientific discoveries revolutionised our understanding of the universe.

Immerse yourself in Anne Frank’s diary, penned in the midst of World War II, offers a poignant glimpse into the life of a young girl grappling with the horrors of persecution and prejudice. Their stories on our timeline serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a solemn vow to never forget the lessons of history.

Among the pages of history, we find the universal language of football, a sport that transcends borders, cultures, and languages. As we celebrate the passion and camaraderie of the beautiful game, we honor the athletes who have graced the pitch with their skill, dedication, and sportsmanship.

Finally, our house’s timeline isn’t just a chronicle of events; it’s a reflection of our shared humanity and the enduring quest for justice, knowledge, and excellence. It’s a reminder that, despite our differences, we are bound together by a common heritage and a collective aspiration for a better world. So, as you walk past our walls, take a moment to pause, reflect, and draw inspiration from the stories held on our walls.



Performing Arts Evening

A Night of Marvellous Performances

This evening, our auditorium was transformed into a stage of inspiring talent, the students showcased their exceptional abilities in vocals, instruments, and stage acting. It was an evening filled with electrifying energy and breathtaking moments, leaving the audience utterly captivated. Congratulations to all the students and to our boarder Mana who played beautifully his violin and looked the part.


Bird Feeder Project

During the woodwork workshop last weekend, the boys made a bird feeder for our garden, It took them 3 hours to complete. Our senior helper Coco assisted the boys to put the finale touch. The results is just fantastic!

Pillar 5 Wellbeing: Making Safe and Responsible choices

We have embarked on our last Pillar of the year, supporting students to understand how peer pressure can affect their decisions. During this topic, we will discuss their views and develop some strategies to overcome any issues they might face. Mr Manu House Parent in Concha Annex is leading this Pillar and he has visited us in CDB to introduce this topic.

May Sports Challenge

The boys at Champs Des Bois partook in the May Fitness challenge. Today’s challenge was: How many ‘around the worlds’ can you do with a ball in one minute? Transferring the ball around your waist as quickly as possible.

We achieved some of the highest scores in the school, well done boys!

Hello weekend!

Hello weekend!

The boys from Champs Des Bois enjoyed the warm spring evening with a fun game of football. The perfect way to ‘kick off’ the weekend!

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend ahead.

Fun Hiking Afternoon in Saint-Cergue with Mr. Nathan

CDB students embarked on a hike to explore Saint-Cergue. Mr. Nathan’s passion for the outdoors ignites a spark within each student, fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty that surrounds them. They’re all about climbing trees and finding awesome spots in nature. It’s all laughs and adventure as they make memories and soak up the outdoors together.

Sushi Workshop :-)

Thank you so much to Ms. Lucelia, our wonderful activity leader, for organising all the groceries to permit such a fantastic workshop for our boarders. We had a blast diving into the art of sushi making! Each student had the chance to craft their own unique sushi creation, mastering the delicate technique needed to seal the rolls perfectly and achieve those flawless, evenly sliced pieces that hold together beautifully. Lunch was an absolute triumph, and we’re all eager to repeat this experience again in the near future.


The Jump Spot

Sunday was a fantastically bouncy day. We went to the local trampoline park and spent all afternoon jumping, racing, flipping and flopping. We were all very tired from all the fun we had when we got back to the school campus.

Gaming in VDL

On Saturday we visited another of our neighbouring Boarding Houses, Villa du Lac. They were kind enough to let us play on their PS5 and we all played a racing game.

Guitar Hero

Donny was amazing in his Guitar Assembly. Alongside his peers from Guitar Club they played a beautiful piece of music from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.

A Warm welcome back to CDB Boarders

We missed each and every one of you, and we hope that your Easter break was filled with joy and relaxation spent among cherished family and friends. Now, let’s embark on this final stretch of the academic year with enthusiasm, determination, and a positive mindset, aiming for successful achievements and embracing every opportunity for happiness along the way.


Weekend Updates

Another creative weekend, the students enjoyed cooking, and baking. We had a couple of visitors for a playdate, Jin attended a great session of pilates and Mana and Kimi went to the thermal baths in Lavey.

Festichoc Versoix

The largest festival in Switzerland dedicated to chocolate, a family-friendly event with free entry which brings together more than 30 Swiss artisan chocolatiers. Tastings, sales, exhibition of chocolate sculptures, activities and food stands allowed us to have a delicious… & chocolatey time!

Weekend Clubs

Well done to the boys in CDB for always being enthusiastic about joining clubs. Just this weekend we’ve had boys take part in Cooking Club, Tennis Club, Art Club and Climbing Club. It’s nice to see them so active and making the most of their weekend.

Fulfilling Day :-)

The boys started their day making a wonderful black forest gateau. They brought me back a huge slice, the cake was creamy and light in texture. I truly enjoyed it! After lunch, we went to Geneva, where the stores displayed some incredible chocolate selections for Easter. We finished our evening in front of a good movie with our guest from OP Boarding House.

Fast and Futuristic Cars

Kimi and Donny had a fantastic time at the amazing Geneva Motor Show. There they saw old cars and all types of new innovations from car makers. They had lots of inteligent questions about how cars will progress in the future. All the boys showed good behaviour towards the House Parents who went with them.

Welcome, Come On In!

It was a nice to have some of the boys’ friends from Old Portena Boarding House over on Sunday afternoon. They played outside on the swings, kicked about the football, bounced on the trampoline, played a game of ”Jenga!” while singing songs together and also played Hide ‘n’ Seek. We were all very grateful that our guests had baked a nice chocolate cake for us too. Thank you, it was very tasty!


Football Fans

A perfect way to spend the afternoon, a little kick about with the boys. Final score 4-4 and well done to all boys for playing so nicely together and working hard.

Busy is the New Happy!

Students participated in their weekend activities, and they started helping me with planting our seeds in time for spring planting outside in the garden beds. We went to our local grocery shop to get some essentials. As twilight descended, we extended an invitation to the Old Portena girls, joining together to immerse ourselves in an old classic: Titanic. The movie swept us away, evoking emotions that saw each of us sharing in heartfelt moments, shedding a tear or two as we were captivated by the film’s profound resonance.

Ice Skating Stars

Sunday the boys put their skates on and were all keen to learn or improve their skills on the ice. They all showed great enthusiasm to push for better technique and had a fab time while doing so!

Jump Around!

Our fantastic Boarding Activity Coordinator booked us in for a thrilling day at the trampoline park in Geneva. The boys were very happy and excited to jump and chase each other.

Pillar 3, Microaggressions “2nd phase completed”

As part of our ongoing well-being program, we discussed a sensitive topic during Phase 2: microaggressions. These are subtle words or actions that unintentionally discriminate against individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds. After educating our students about the impact of microaggressions, we facilitated discussions where they shared real-life instances where they had encountered such behaviour.

To make these experiences tangible, we encouraged them to express their encounters through cartoon strips. This creative outlet allowed them to depict moments when they felt saddened, rejected, bullied, or subjected to racial inequality. By addressing these issues head-on, we empower our students to understand and articulate their emotions, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic community.

Mountain Weekend at Leysin

Embarking on Weekend 2 for all our boarders, we found ourselves in the middle of the breathtaking beauty of Leysin, a remarkable ski resort nestled in the mountains. Thank you to our Camp team who organised this amazing weekend gateway, we came back well-recharged.

Swiss Kahoot !

Today, students tested their knowledge of Switzerland, and each team put in a great effort to earn the most points. Team 1 and Team 2 both scored 25 points, while Team 3 emerged victorious with 35 points. It was a fun time with our fantastic prefects!

Snow Topped Mountains

What a fantastic weekend we enjoyed in the mountains, a fresh layer of snow made for perfect conditions on the pistes and the sun kept shining throughout the whole weekend. Some of our boys went skiing, we also had snowboarders and a few of them joined non-skier activities such as tobboganing and igloo building.

Nurturing Well-being: Pillar 3 Focuses on Cultivating Positive Friendships and Relationships

As part of our well-being program; Pillar 3 has begun! In our ongoing commitment to holistic well-being, this takes centre stage, dedicated to the cultivation of positive friendships and relationships. At Champs des Bois, our boarders recently engaged in a collaborative brainstorming session to explore the nuances of this crucial aspect of personal growth. Excitingly, we are set to embark on a series of weekly activities, each thoughtfully designed to underscore the significance of recognizing and fostering the characteristics that define positive friendships.

Each week will introduce a distinct and engaging activity aimed at reinforcing the importance of positive friendships. From team-building exercises to reflective discussions, these activities are crafted to impart practical insights and skills that enhance our collective ability to build and sustain positive relationships.

Week 1 & 2: Identifying characteristics of positive friendships and reflecting on the type of friend you are. How can I be a better friend?

Week 3:Delving into international friendships and addressing microaggressions.

Week 4:Examining toxic friendships and relationships.


Weekend On Campus!

The weekend kicked off with an exhilarating start on Friday evening as we delved into the world of jungle puzzles. The boys, brimming with enthusiasm, were determined to conquer as many puzzle pieces as possible. However, Mr. George couldn’t resist the challenge and ended up putting the finishing touches on it. Little did we know, that once you start working on a puzzle, it becomes an addictive adventure that’s hard to walk away from!

In the afternoon the kitchen became a hub of creativity as we embarked on a baking adventure, concocting a banana and chocolate cake that left our taste buds dancing with joy. The boys participated in a fantastic cookery workshop where they crafted cordon bleu paired with creamy mashed potatoes.

As the day progressed, Donny revelled in the exhilarating experience of scaling new heights and other boys revamped the old flower pots this activity added a therapeutic touch to the already dynamic weekend.

Let it Snow!!!

Look! it’s snowing outside! Let’s Go and Play!

Students loved playing snowball fights, slip and slide, running down the hill, snow angels and a fat snowman. Simply having fun before it melts away.

SNOW you are truly magical 🙂

2024 has arrived!

Exit 2023, enter 2024. We are delighted to welcome back our boys to Champs Des Bois. During the arrivals weekend, the boys have been helping us to spruce up our home. Aiding our French language learning along the way.

Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead!

Grade 4 Snowflakes Pantomime

Christmas festivities at school always bring an abundance of joy and entertainment. Today’s highlight was undoubtedly the splendid pantomime put on by Grade 4 students. The combination of enchanting songs and captivating acting truly made it a remarkable spectacle.

Donny delivers his lines flawlessly while commanding the centre stage. Ending the term with such a fantastic showcase filled everyone with immense pride.

Such moments truly make the holiday season unforgettable.

Winter Ball 2023

Seasons greetings!

On Saturday 9th December, Champs Des Bois dressed up to attend the annual Winter Ball. It was a beautiful occasion with all boarders in attendance. There was food, dancing, photos and important speeches. Well all enjoyed it and look forward to the next school celebration that brings all of our boarders together.

Boarding Award Ceremony

Today was a day of immense pride for CDB House as we celebrated the outstanding achievements of three remarkable students.

  • Mana’s triumph in clinching the Best Boarding Live Award speaks volumes about his exceptional attributes and dedication.
  • Chika’s win for the Best Boarding Activities Award. His enthusiasm and commitment to actively participate in all after-school activities and engage in various clubs during the weekend is truly commendable.
  • Jin, whose remarkable academic accomplishments have earned him the best Academic Achievement Award with 85%.

Well done boys 🙂

Gingerbread Competition

Another delightful evening spent crafting our annual gingerbread house competition, with the kids turned out to be quite an adventure this year. Despite a few mishaps with the foundation collapsing, we had an absolute blast exploring our creative sides.  A couple of biscuits and smarties might have mysteriously disappeared while we were hard at work constructing our masterpiece. The competition among the boarding houses was fierce, but it added an extra layer of excitement and joy to the experience. I will let you know the result soon!!

Happy 11th Birthday

A great birthday celebration, we were spoilt with cakes and homemade pizzas made by our grade 12 students as part of their CAS project. Our best wishes to Muyan, and may all your birthday wishes come true.

Time to deepen our Swiss Knowledge

Each month, Champs des Bois students and house parents deepen their knowledge about Switzerland. This month, the focus is on natural landmarks, famous monuments, and historical places.” Keep checking our blog to discover next month’s Swiss topic!

World Children’s Day 2023


A moment of immense pride for our Champs Des Bois Boarders unfolded when their painting was enlarged into a billboard proudly displayed at the entrance of CDL. The students found great joy in participating in this project on World Children’s Day. The concept revolved around a painting created by the students, symbolizing the essence of love and a warm embrace of inclusion for children worldwide. The underlying message of this artwork is to raise awareness and serve as a reminder that children’s rights must be honored, safeguarded, and fulfilled, regardless of their location in the world. Irrespective of diverse cultural backgrounds, every child deserves an equal opportunity to soar and carve their own unique path. This concept is represented by painting the children uniformly in grey, while using contrasting colors for the worlds and doors to depict the diverse possibilities and experiences children face globally, each with their own set of limitations and challenges.

“I would like to extend a huge thank you to Mr. Roger, the Senior House Parent from Leman, for selecting CDB for this project, and to  Ms Manuella, the digital content creator for the billboard.”

Celebrating connections Pillar 2

Embracing Unity in Diversity!

Students gathered to discuss and reflect on the similarities and differences that make each of us wonderfully distinct. To bring these insights to life, we employed a Venn diagram exercise, pairing roommates to explore the intricacies of their individuality. The beauty of this exercise lies in its simplicity. Students eagerly shared in conversations, discovering facets of their roommates’. The Venn diagrams, serving as visual representations of their discussions, became windows into the rich tapestry of our diverse community. Through exercises like these, we celebrate the uniqueness of each student and house parents.

Enjoying the Theatre Show

What a spectacular show we saw this Sunday! We went to La Rosey and they told a wonderful story about a siberian tiger, and an incredibly talented sand artist was creating art simultaneously with the play that was being performed.

Being inside on a rainy Sunday

On one of those rainy Sundays, we thought to enjoy various indoor activities and games, we had senior visitors who joined in and we made a start on a painting project. Whilst others boarders went to Cailler chocolate factory and Tennis lessons.

Happy 12th Birthday!

Happy 12th birthday Yingfan! 🎉🎂🎈

May this year be full of exciting adventures, new discoveries, and wonderful moments. Enjoy every moment of being 12 and make beautiful memories to cherish. Here’s to an amazing year ahead and a fantastic birthday celebration!

Boarders Vs Day Students

A truly enjoyable game took place between CDL day students and boarders, Thank you to our dedicated colleague Perrine who organised this wonderful entertainment for us all. Despite losing, we can only congratulate the boarders for their performance.

J’apprends le Français

C’est merveilleux de voir nos élèves du secondaire s’investir avec autant de dévouement dans l’enseignement du français et partager leur bonne humeur avec les jeunes internes. Ils ont consacré du temps à préparer des jeux interactifs pour captiver leur attention et passer un moment agréable. Un grand merci à eux pour leur précieuse contribution et leur engagement envers l’apprentissage et le partage de connaissances. C’est grâce à de tels efforts que notre communauté scolaire prospère. Bravo!

Amazing Mana!

Today, our grade 5 student Mana was the only boy from Champs Des Bois to run the 5km race organised by our school. Both students and staff took part in the race. And our very own Mana was a medal winner. We are all so proud of his bravery and determination. Well done Mana!


Happy Last Day Of September :-)

On a beautiful sunny day, the students enjoyed the afternoon in our garden exploring, playing and gardening, especially in a world filled with screens and gadgets, there’s something truly magical about watching students getting their hands dirty in the soil and discovering the wonders of nature up close.

Je parle Français

As a school, we couldn’t be prouder of the initiative taken by our Prefects and senior boarders. Their willingness to share their knowledge and make learning French fun is an opportunity for senior boarders to connect and mentor younger students.

Weekend At CDL

We have a wide variety of amazing Clubs and Activities to offer in Collège du Léman. It’s wonderful to see our young boarders so engaged in these wonderful opportunities!

Lake Leman

This afternoon we all went for a lovely stroll to the nearby stoney lakeside beach. We spent time chatting, skimming stones, enjoying the wildlife and admiring the spectacular views across the water.

Middle School & Primary Teachers at Champs Des Bois

Teachers paid a special visit to our boarding house. It was an afternoon filled with warmth, excitement, and a delightful afternoon tea.Our students took immense pride in guiding their teachers through the boarding house, offering insights into their room setups, and all the communal areas in the house. It was a chance for teachers to connect with students on a personal level, to understand their daily routines, challenges, and joys.

Thank you to our dedicated teachers for taking the time to engage with our boarding house students. Your presence today meant the world to them, and it’s moments like these that make our school community truly special.

Exploring Switzerland: A Journey of Learning and Discovery


Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey of discovery and education? At Champs Des Bois, we’ve launched an exciting initiative to learn more about the beautiful country we call home – Switzerland. Our goal is to dive deep into Switzerland’s rich culture, stunning landscapes, and unique traditions. Each month, we’ll search for a different aspect of this incredible country and test our knowledge with engaging Kahoot quizzes.

Month 1: Switzerland Cantons

Month 2: Landmarks that Define Switzerland

Month 3: Savoring Swiss Delicacies

Month 4: Navigating the Lakes of Switzerland

Month 5: Scaling the Swiss Mountains

Month 6: Putting Knowledge to the Test with Kahoot Quizzes

What’s Next?

Join us on this educational adventure as we discover the hidden gems of Switzerland and foster a deeper appreciation for the place we call home. Stay tuned for more updates and insights into our monthly explorations.


Pillar 1 The better sleep Challenge!

Our focus this week centred around one of our essential pillars – the significance of adequate sleep and maintaining a healthy balance in the lives of our young boarders. 

The importance of this foundational pillar cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in our young boarders’ growth and overall well-being. Here is an overview of what we covered: (Understanding sleep, creating healthy sleep habits, unwinding before bed, reading, meditation, and yoga) We also watched an interesting video adapted to their age to understand why sleep is important.

The students voted to follow a weekly challenge to meditate 15 minutes before bed. This method can assist them in winding down and achieving a state of calm before bedtime. 

Mountain Bliss


A perfect weekend escape for CDL boarders at Fiesh Resort, the students shared unforgettable moments, breathtaking views, and lifelong memories in this mountain haven. Thank you to our fantastic Camp team who organises these fabulous outings.

Hello Weekend, I am So Happy To See You!!

Looking for an adrenaline rush and some serious outdoor fun? Look no further! This weekend, our boarders have two fantastic activities lined up that are guaranteed to get their spirits soaring – Acrobranche and Paddle Boarding! 🌊🌲 Others enjoyed joining a new woodwork workshop and watering our vegetable-raised beds 🙂 We decided to end this beautiful day by stopping at our local grocery store for some essentials.

Weekend Clubs at CDL

We are lucky to have such an amazing variety of activities and clubs over the weekend. Our children chose a nice mix between sporty and hands on activities, cooking, wood works, climbing and tennis.

Homework In Our New Home – CDB

We started off this evening with a little bit of studying. Nothing too serious, we wanted to see the children’s reading levels. Some of our young ones wanted to get an early start in learning French and Mr. Alex is here and ready to help with pronunciation.

Music Performance Grade 3

Bravo, young musicians!

I want to take a moment to applaud and celebrate the grade 3 exceptional musical performance. Your talent and dedication were truly remarkable, and you captivated the audience with your wonderful music and singing abilities.

Well Done Ms Picasso and her Team!

I Love Sunday

Donny was at the observatory learning about space, he came home enchanted with his day trip, and the rest of the boys enjoyed an afternoon by the pool. Today was our last Brunch together, we took time to enjoy this copious meal and discuss our summer plans!!



Donny ran and Bomb Dived in the pool, he swam, swam and swam until closing time.  LOVE IT

Thank you Coach Roquain, My last private tennis lesson of the year!!

Nicholas attending his classmate’s birthday, a nice day at Aquapark

Boys having fun in the garden, Big thank you to Ms Bea for this archery set!!

Bravery at its best!!!

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ― Nelson Mandela 

Jin was anxious about this fun boat activity, so I accompanied him this morning when he saw the first student in action. He took his courage and overcame his fear! The quote above just resonated with this FABULOUS Achievement.



End Of Year Get Together!!

Today, we shared a wonderful moment with the students, teachers, Boarding staff and all the people who made this experience memorable for the young boarders. This afternoon’s drinks were a token of appreciation. The students were able to make little speeches, and they were presented with their end-of-year boarding portfolios. which they truly loved!!!  I knew this personalized present will give them their timeline since their arrival at Collège du Léman.  Thank you Everyone for being part of this wonderful Journey at CDB:-)

Judo Belt Ceremony

Remarkable graduation ceremony, every child was awarded a new belt, and we had a chance to try some katas, this sport teaches students to learn about the values of perseverance, respect, loyalty, and discipline. Well done Donny for this great achievement.

Grade 5 Dance Performance

All grade 5’s performed a fantastic performance this evening, their dance teacher proudly shared that they chose and agreed on the choreography themselves. Well done to Cinar and Nicholas for taking part.

FUN FUN and more FUN….

A fantastic afternoon organised by our boarding activity leader Ms Lucélia, Champs Des Bois students played all the games available to them whilst Donny spent 4 hours swimming none stop 🙂 we indulged in yummy ice creams, popcorn, candy floss and drinks. Later, in the evening dinner was at a great food truck with Mexican wraps. Great way to finish this year on a happy note and fun day! Thank you Lucélia

Smile it’s Saturday!!

This morning started with an amazing cookery workshop, the students baked a delicious Charlotte cake, and the end result was superb. Whilst Donny enjoyed scootering around campus and exploring the banana leaves 🙂 For lunch Jinwoo a senior student invited Jin for a belated birthday treat, it was postponed until he finished his exams, Jinwoo has been volunteering at CDB since the start of the year, he has been a role model for the younger boarders and his help every Wednesday was very much appreciated and valued. Later in the afternoon, the students enjoyed an old classic film, Mrs Doubtfire.


After school Club Photography

Ms Dia the Photography teacher shared these pictures with me today, the topic was friendship. The students captured some fantastic shots of each other, and at the same time, they were having a fun time. The first picture speaks for itself !!!

A fantastic ride by the lake Leman !!!

Jin impressed us by cycling 27 km, he kept a good pace despite a small tumble on the pavement, we stopped at Coppet for refreshments then we checked a wonderful annual town sale where people sell unwanted items from their attic. I found Jin’s perfect present an old tennis racket dating from 1940’s. He was thrilled and happy with this special gift. Then we continued our venture to another nearby town Nyon, for a well-deserved ice cream. The cycle back was slightly harder for me but we’ve done it. A great day 🙂

Foodie trip

On Saturday, June 3rd 2023, Cinar, Nicholas and I went for a trip to Geneva.

The boys had a great time: we went to MANOR, bought Japanese snacks and went to McDonald’s. Cinar had bought the Oreos McFlurry with caramel coulis for the first time and he actually loved it !!

A fabulous morning at the stables

Today I was delighted to take my two girls to the stables, their commitment to attending weekly shows excellent effort. They are so comfortable being around horses. We left for a nice local woodland walk, the weather was beautiful. What a FANTASTIC start to a day 🙂


Random pictures of CDB students daily life

Donny worked on his school project with a senior boarder, she was very patient and supportive.
We decided to make miniature animals out of soft clay, and the results are not bad on the first try. Donny decided to make his own object the results is quite astonishing.
Thank you, Mr Manu, for a surprise visit with a nice cold treat during this hot weather.

Melissa invited her friend Julie for a play at CDB, the girls are just adorable xoxo

Melissa’s mum paid us a visit this afternoon and brought some delicious cakes for all the boys who celebrated their birthdays *Cinar, Jin and Luca.* A thoughtful treat thank you
 Prior to taking his shower, Donny acted out being a chicken, he was so funny 🙂 these are priceless moments with younger boarders!


An extra day off for the students, who clearly enjoyed a day trip to Luna Park Funfair in Lausanne. Whilst other boarders stayed and equally enjoyed activities in CDB, we went for a long walk that stopped by the lake. As soon as the boys got back they wanted to play football, and then they returned home to sample Jin’s cake. The verdict was very positive no leftovers 🙂

Coaching with CDB

One of our older boarding students, Chady from Leman Boarding House (Grade 9), was kind enough to step in as Coach for our young football enthusiasts. It was great to see them all running drills, listening to his advice and most of all having fun!


Sunday Walks in the Woods

After a delicious Sunday brunch we went for a lovely stroll through the trees. We followed the stream and then detoured to the Sports Centre, where we did some laps, worked out a bit and played some more football.


Sunday Good Vibes :-)

James a day student, and a friend of our boarders invited them to the best Ice cream in Nyon and a stroll by the lake.

Thank you Coach Roquain for taking the time with my Tennis Challenge, 85 strokes in a row! Not bad

Another day of repotting after seed germination, an ongoing process!!!

Thank you so much Ms Bea for this lovely gift, he is sleeping in my room tonight 🙂

Hello Saturday at CDL

A quiet but fulfilling day overall!! a milder weather today we sat and finished our stone painting activity, please stay tuned for the end result:-) As always there is always something for the students to enjoy, from baking brownies, climbing, tennis, Olympus court, afternoon movie and some gardening. Fun Fun Fun…

Ascension long Weekend…

Fantastic day out in Geneva sightseeing, shopping and enjoying a delicious artisanal ice cream by the lake. The boys invited their best friend James for a sleepover. Overall we had an enchanting day together 🙂

Happy Birthday Jin :-)

Today we are celebrating Jin’s 11th Birthday, he was delighted to have a slice of his cake prior to the big party on Thursday. We wish him an amazing day with his friends and may all his dreams come true.

CDL International Day

At CDL we manifest the acronym ”RISE”, ”I” stands for Internationalism. CDL International Day was a magnificent event planned by the PFA to raise money for charities. CDL families from as many as 25 nationalities set up food stalls with their home country’s cuisine for all to try. It was amazing to see an incredible mix of all cultures and everyone enjoying themselves.

Pokemon is the way to go – Geneva trip

The kids really liked the trip today. The weather was beautiful and very sunny. Cinar bought a white Nike t-shirt, some Japanese snacks and a white water bottle, to go with his t-shirt. Donny bought some Pokemon cards, a skateboard in miniature, a miniature basketball ball and other little things. Finally, Nicholas bought some shoes and some Japanese snacks.

Art Shop

Jin started getting artsy this weekend using some spray paints and experimenting with new techniques of art that he hadn’t tried until now.

Welcome Back to CDB

We are excited to welcome back our young boarders from their Easter Break.  We are embarking on the last leg of the school year, and we will try our best to provide them with a rich experience, filled with exciting summer activities and lots of fun!!!

Happy 9th Birthday Luca

Luca’s 9th birthday falls during the Easter break, and tonight we wanted to celebrate with him. We shared a delicious double chocolate cake, sang happy birthday in 5 different languages and wished him all the best for the year ahead.

Hanging Around at the Climbing Club and Much More

Climbing is a top choice for the boys on the weekend, they like to attend this club together and have really helped each other improve by pushing themselves to do harder climbs.

Also, we love going to Olympus sports gym to play whatever sport that we feel like. Today we tried a bit of table-tennis, basketball, football and even some improvised dances by Donny.

Fun on the Farm

Melissa and Hannah love spending time at the stables with their favourite horses and ponies. It was a bit rainy this weekend but still nice under the shelter that the stables provided.

Microscopic Finds, Macroscopic Fun

Today we spent our afternoon in Villa Franconis and helped Mr. Tarun set up a microscope. We then used tweezers and other tools to collect things from the garden and around the house to put under the lenses and investigate. We tried pollen from the flowers, onion peel and even a hair from Mr. Tarun’s head!

Pillar 4 Online Safety

At CDB we covered the topic of Online Safety for over 2 weeks, To conclude this pillar students completed an online game and a quiz. Then we discussed their safety during their online activities. This led nicely to explaining the rules at Champs Des Bois on devices and why they are in place.

  • 30 minutes of device time weekly and 1 hour during the weekend
  • Using their devices downstairs and not in their rooms
  • Call to their parents are permitted anytime and can be done privately in their room.
  • Ipads and phones are kept safely in the office

Thank You Mr Gordon

The second part of St Patrick’s Mishap,

This has been by far the best St Partick’s quest the students have encountered, it kept us all very much entertained these past 3 days.

  1. The students had to find 7 puzzles hidden in the dining hall
  2. Put them together and solve the challenge
  3. They had to take 7 selfies with items described in the challenge and then forward these pictures to the highest building on campus.
  4.   This led to today’s  challenge as the students earned the trust of Seamus they had to help find over 200 coins scattered in the garden
  5. If the students found at least half they will receive a huge reward
  6. The reward was BIG 🙂

A massive Thank you Mr Gordon from Champs Des Bois Students, we truly enjoyed this mystery mission and solving the clues was fun! The reward was super generous and we shall enjoy every bit of it immensely.


Sunday Brunch!

If one place can do Brunch, CDL can! Every Sunday our Boarders and House Parents look forward to this wonderful selection of food. Our chefs and kitchen staff are incredible Thank you 🙂

St. Patrick’s Day Mishap!

A massive thank you to Senior House Parent Mr Gordon for engaging CDB students in this quest, they truly enjoyed receiving a hand-delivered letter this morning to begin this St. Patrick’s Day Mishap, their curiosity and eagerness to solve the mystery were enchanting. We agreed to continue this quest and wore something green for dinner. We collected a box left in our pigeonhole, and the boys were keen to open it as soon as we got home, challenge 2 was complete we drew our Leprechauns on the mini canvas provided. STAY TUNNED, the quest continues…

Talent show this evening

The boys meant to perform on stage this evening but unfortunately, stage fright changed our plan. Nevertheless, we came up with a plan B, You can watch the video below which captures that moment. The fastest challenge to solve a Rubik’s cube goes to *Jin 41 seconds*, *Nicholas 54 seconds* and *Luca 1 minute 30*You can watch the video below that captures that moment.


Sunday Park Madness

A short drive from Collège du Léman and we are in such an awesome park. We had a great time playing tag, swinging on the swings, climbing on the jungle gym and whizzing around on the zip-line!

Skater Boys!

The boys remembered the skateboards that were tucked away in the house and wanted to try skateboarding this weekend. With a few helpful tips they manged to get on the boards and ride. So cool guys!

Building Boats Together

Jin and Donny made some mini boats together and went to the stream to test them. They managed to float and they had a little race against each other. It was a lovely walk down to the lake were the boys stopped to take in the scenery.

The boat trip tied in nicely with Jin’s IPC homework as a nice experiment of the topic that they are studying in his class.

Well done boy!

Dixie visits CDB :-)

This four-legged dog has made many happy people today in  Champs Des Bois, her friendliness and playfulness were a breath of fresh air. The boarders really enjoyed having a dog home the wellness Dixie brought was priceless.

Crumpets For Tea

CDB students learned how to make these lovely crumpets, they didn’t know the difference between a crumpet and a pancake? Crumpet batter is similar to a pancake batter but with a raising agent which makes it bubble and become thicker, light and fluffier than a pancake.

Wellbeing Pillar 4: Online Safety – Online Life vs Real Life

Children must know that the internet, and social media in particular, can make it very easy to share our information with people we don’t know. For example, on a social media profile, they may disclose their full name, the area in which they live, and where they go to school. Would you drop your information for others to find? The internet leaves trails too… Don’t let STRANGERS find your details. these are the type of reflective questions we will discuss in the house.                                                                                                                                            Teaching children the importance of social media safety is essential, here in Champs Des Bois students will start brainstorming this important Pillar about online safety throughout the next 2 weeks.



Saturday Activities

Another great start to the weekend. Luca and Nicholas did a fantastic job representing Champs des Bois in our inter-house ski competition, Hannah was reunited with her favorite pony Candy and Cinar, Donny and Jin improved their climbing skills. What a fun day!

Saturday Mode

Lazy snooze this morning for some boarders after an intense week at Crans Montana, the weather was splendid today we decide to start planting our seeds in line with the spring early planting guide. Jin had a marvellous time on the trampoline, Whilst the others were busy building a new lego kit! Later in the afternoon we went for a stroll in the area and pick up some sushi treats. After dinner, we decided to have a little game in Olympus. Overall it was a chill day doing what we enjoy most 🙂

Thank You Boarding Management

CDB students arrived this afternoon to find this wonderful addition to our garden, and they were thrilled with this superb trampoline. A massive thank you to our head of boarding for purchasing this trampoline for the kids. They love it

Sunday what a fantastic dumplings day!

This afternoon, Melissa’s mother came to teach us how to make the perfect dumplings, she catered for all including the vegetarians, and it was truly an amazing experience with all the students. Sharing a culinary experience on Sunday with several visitors who filled the house with such a warm homey feeling. We agreed to repeat this again with another dish from around the world.

Sunny Saturday!

Despite a cold start here in Versoix, the weather changed and we had a lovely sunshine today 🙂 We enjoyed a long cycle in the area, then we picked up Donny from woodcraft. After lunch, we left for Geneva for some more treats!!! In the meantime Ms Erika took the girls horse riding. Overall it was pretty good day!!!


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Friday Night @ Olympus

As always, Friday evening our young boarders can stay later than usual, the weekend mode is on, and the boys love playing in Olympus so much. We captured that moment, some fierce games were on last night!!!

Quiz Tonight!!

Number 1  🙂

Nicholas made us proud this evening by representing CDB during our boarding quiz night, he was fast and knowledgeable !! He prepared well and reviewed random questions about Switzerland. It paid off!!

“Partage” the Love !

At Collège Du Léman, charity and service for others is something that we like to embed with our Boarders. With this type of contribution, we allow all students to understand why these actions are taken! Collectively we can support people in need and locked in poverty. Hopefully one day together we can abolish hunger in the world and around us.

Weekend fun in the sun

This weekend the children wanted to relax and play in the big garden we have here in Champs des Bois. They also had fun participating in their weekly activities and clubs such as climbing, woodcraft and ice skating!


Ski weekend at Fiesch

A fantastic 2nd weekend at Fiesch, the students were able to enjoy various snow activities from snowboarding to skiing, ice-skating or trips for non-skiers. I took a group to a near town from Fiesch called Brig where we had a great time sightseeing this lovely place and we enjoyed  a shared lunch at McDonald’s, students’ favourite place to eat 🙂 overall it was a fabulous weekend that ended too fast.

Pillar 3 Friendships

Tonight we discussed this wellbeing Pillar with our boarders, and we decided to conduct several games throughout the week to emphasise the importance of positive friendships. We also would like to foster these friendships qualities amongst our students in the boarding house and school. To complete this pillar we asked each boarder to make a friendship bracelet to give to their best friend as a token of appreciation.


“Friends share, play together, laugh with each other, a good friend cheer you up, be there for you, listen to you, makes you feel good, friends you can trust and share memorable moments”.

Mountain Weekend 1

Low temperatures but high spirits up in the Swiss Alps. What a remarkable weekend we’ve had together.

Champs des Bois and the rest of the Boarding Houses traveled to a lovely ski resort high in the mountains. We all wrapped up warm and spent our time snowboarding or skiing, relaxing in the thermal baths, playing Bingo or board-games or even hiking to the summit at 3984m – with a little helping hand from a gondola and a chairlift.

Lunar New Year

Our New Boarder performed in his primary assembly to share with his peers how the Lunar New Year is celebrated,  alongside him other students who also contributed to this wonderful event.

Weekend part 2

The second part of our weekend was filled with Chess club, Escape rooms, Nature Walk, Climbing, the best Brunch ever and a birthday party all happening here in CDL. Our younger boarders picking up some new skills and having lots of fun.

Assembly Tonight

This evening during our 1st welcome-back Assembly, these 2 students made us proud House Parents. They stood in front of an audience and read beautifully a lovely poem that we wrote about diversity. I am delighted that our senior House Parent Mr Antonio gave our younger boarder an opportunity to showcase their work.





 If I could change the world to a rainbow

What if everyone was forced to see

The world exactly like me

A world where all think as one

So, we do not judge anyone!


What if one person chose to know

In unity we stand is the way to go

What if one person desire to grow

And invites humanity to this show


What if one person’s heart sought love

To purify and unite us all

What if that person rose above

Throw away hatred, spread only love


If someday I sit on top of this world

Bring on changes with a single word


A rainbow of diversity

A rainbow of beauty

A rainbow of bright happy colours

A rainbow of happiness

A rainbow of forgiveness

A rainbow sent from above with a blazing brilliant sight

A life multicoloured is a life unified


Staying In On Rainy Days

A good old classic game of Monopoly is just the perfect way to spend the afternoon when it’s too wet to go outside and play! Plus this super cool Dragon Ball Z version is great, thanks for sharing and letting us play Nicholas!

Farewell Yifan!!!

This afternoon we had a lovely farewell party for our boarder Yifan, who is sadly returning home earlier. We couldn’t let her go without a proper celebration. The afternoon started with a scavenger hunt they made 2 teams, of course, boys vs girls. Followed by a sweet and chocolate search around the house 🙂 the students had a marvellous time! We had dinner at home and Hannah’s mother surprised us with a delicious cake. We had many visitors from other houses too. Yifan’s was thrilled and sad at the same time. So we took this opportunity to present her with an end-of-semester portfolio filled with many memorable moments made at CDL.  GOODBYE, YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!


Fête de l’Escalade

On Sunday, the boys took part in the traditional breaking of the chocolate Marmite. This
Geneva tradition celebrates the Mère Royaume pouring her cauldron of hot soup over the
enemies during the Savoyard invasion in 1602, keeping them from advancing any further.

Gingerbread House Competition

At CDB the students each decorated their piece of the gingerbread house to enter another fierce competition, some boarding houses delivered some fantastic designs. Stay tuned for the announcement !! which boarding house will win?? let’s hope we made the first 3 🙂

Award Ceremony

The boarding life Award has been given to Nicholas for his outstanding contribution in day to day life in CDB and the Activities Award has been given to Hannah for her sheer commitment and hard work in attending a wide range of activities.

Sunday at Champs Des Bois

At Champs des Bois we discussed how insects and birds needed shelter during these winter months so we decided to start a little project to make a bug hotel. The boys learned some great DIY skills and it helped their creativity by using various resources and upcycling them 🙂

Saturday at Champs Des Bois

Jam-packed schedule this Saturday * Climbing, horse riding, Thai massage, movie and Take away, Melissa’s parents attended horse riding lessons and invited our boarders for lunch, only one student could attend a fabulous Japanese lunch and treats for all (bubble tea for House parents and students) later in the afternoon a private tennis lesson followed by a Thai massage. In the evening an older boarder from Olympus invited the boys to pick up some sushi and we happily watched a movie.

Little Masterchefs

Today all the Boarding Houses competed in a Bake Off Competition. Our boys decided to make a sponge cake and decorate it with strawberries, cream and lots of sprinkles! We hope the judges liked it!

Thanksgiving Dinner

This past Thursday we were lucky enough to be treated to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. The Chefs prepared a delicious meal and students and staff had decorated the dining hall very nicely. We all shared what we were thankful for and had a lovely celebration together.

Saturday Horse Riding

Today both students had an incredible day at their horse riding lesson, the weather was just fabulous the teacher decided to take them on a ride locally, it was just perfect. We then cleaned the ponies and she taught them how to care and use all the equipment accordingly to their use . We took time to stroke other horses and truly embraced the experience immensely and that includes me.

Painting with Light!!

At Champs Des Bois, we had a private session with our professional photographer Dia who came to our boarding house and taught our students how to create fantastic picture effects using various strategies. The pictures below were made by using different lights and movements then the camera captures these movements and sequences of lights, together the outcome is just incredible. We had lots of fun, messing about and creating these outstanding art pieces 🙂

Pillar 2 Protecting against bullying and respecting diversity

Our students covered a very important topic part of our wellbeing program, we took the time to watch a short video on respecting diversity and being mindful of bullying others, we then brainstorm what the words meant in real life. They all discussed how important to support and respect others despite their background and ethnicity and we came up with written quotes for our display board. We truly enjoyed this group activity  helping our young boarders to understand the importance of words and acts.

Yifan’s 10th Birthday!

On Sunday, Yifan celebrated her 10th birthday. We were very excited to be able to share this special day with her. We enjoyed playing laser tag with the other Junior Houses, classic party games like ”the floor is lava” and ”hide n seek”. Then we all gathered together to sing her Happy Birthday in the afternoon.


Weekend at Champs Des Bois

A great weekend filled with many wonderful activities, the kids made a start  deweeding an area of the garden, we are planning to create a sensory garden *project ongoing…* continue following our blog to watch the progress.  Cooking and baking club made some delicious brownies and biscuits. Each week students who takes on the same activity such as horse riding  shows a great deal of improvement in their skills.  Saturday the weather was pleasant we went to Geneva for some shopping and sightseeing and finally Sunday we indulged in our Sunday brunch then I performed my sound bath therapy with a special assistant 🙂

Pumpkin Competition

All boarding houses entered a fierce competition to win points for their houses. The students in CDB took this seriously, they first emptied the pumpkin carefully taking turns, then decided on which template to choose for their design, finally carved and decorated it creatively.  These innovative activities bring so much to our younger boarders, creativity, team work, fine motor skills and fun.

Farewell Dinner at home

We had an exceptional dinner at home last night, the kids helped to mark a special moment In CDB with our House Parent Alex! *First shopping trip to Coop  * Menu agreement Chinese meal  * Menu prep and table set up * scrumptious supper * games to complete the night. It was a great evening overall 🙂

Fun at the park

We made the most of the sunshine today by taking a trip to the local park. The boys were very excited and had lots of fun, particularly on the swings and the big climbing frame!

Brunch @ CDL!

Without a fail another wonderful brunch at CDL, we all looked forward to Sunday to enjoy a great selection of food, pastries, smoothies, breads, fruits, donuts and much more… served by our skilled chefs and kitchen staff. Thank you 🙂

Teachers and primary leadership visit at CDB

We were excited and looking forward to hosting an open door at our boarding house, primary teachers and leadership paid us a visit this afternoon, the students were so happy to show off their rooms,personal things and the entire house. We sat and socialized over a selection of cold, hot drinks and treats. This gave us an opportunity to share a moment to familiarize with each other. We played a quiz game to break the ice and bring a homey atmosphere throughout this visit. It was so enjoyable that we have agreed to plan a second get together but this time we will ask our students to invite a friend each from their classroom too.

Swiss Vapeur Parc

Here is a wonderful photo of Nicholas and Liam. Liam was a Primary Boarder with Champs des Bois last school year, it was nice to see him looking after Nicholas and being a role model to our young ones.

At Swiss Vapeur Parc the children and House Parents were lucky enough to see the sun and ride many small trains around the park visiting lots of miniature Swiss towns and villages.

Hannah and Horses

Hannah has again joined a Horse-riding lesson this past Saturday. Covered from the rain, Hannah and Candy (the horse) worked on improving her ‘trot’ and Hannah is building up the courage and skill to start to ‘gallop’.

After school clubs and activities

We have amazing packed days to enjoy various things throughout the week, house visitors, clubs, special dinners, cooking, photography, Lego and lastly just socializing over a good puzzle. At Champs des bois, no day is the same 🙂



Friday after school

Just after school, we take  time to unwind and enjoy the outdoors, We walked back from the woodland path which our students love, then we had various board games before supper. After dinner the boys played basketball with older boarders. This led us smoothly to our Friday night movie and popcorn. The kids also wrote some ideas and posted them in our office letter box with suggestions. keep following us and I will share the outcome of the box very soon.

Pillar 1 & Pillar 2

At Champs des bois,we discussed the importance of nutrition for a healthy body. Students had to work in teams to assemble foods groups. We then discussed what makes a balanced diet, and created the perfect balanced plate. This activity is part of our well-being pillar 1 to support and bring awareness to our students to stay active and make good choices during their meals.

1st Dinner @ Home


We enjoyed a lovely dinner at home, we were spoiled with a delicious marinated chicken, roast potatoes and vegetables. The students embraced the homey feeling this dinner has brought us.

La Tzoumaz mountain weekend!

A wonderful weekend at Les Elfes international resort in La Tzoumaz, the students enjoyed a wide range of activities! from Shelter building, rope climbing, biking, trekking, Olympics games, evening entertainment, prizes and much more. It was a full packed weekend where students also had an opportunity to socialise and get to know each other better; Building on strong friendships. A massive Thank you to our colleagues at Camps who put together this fantastic outing for CDL students.

Olympic Museum!

Today was the Jeûne Genevois, a traditional festivity that takes place every year in canton of Geneva. This meant our young boarders could enjoy some time off from school.

We made the most of this and traveled to Laussane to visit the Olympic Museum. Lots of history, knowledge and memorabilia interested the children and there was also some fun games to take part in and feel like Olympians.

House Captain and House Rep @ Champs Des Bois

At the beginning of each year we encourage students to come forward if they would like to take part in the role of House Captain and House Representative. I am delighted to announce these two students Nicholas and Jin who were voted  anonymously by their fellow housemates yesterday. We discussed the role and responsibilities, we would like them to encourage students to participate in house activities and competitions. Being supportive, helpful and sustaining the spirit of the house.


Weekend Activities

This weekend our little ones took part in various activities that were on offer. On Saturday we all went to a climbing gym and Sunday started off with an adventurous walk through the nearby forest and ended with a House sports competition. What a fun weekend we’ve all had!

After School Fun !

The Champs des Bois children have enjoyed a wonderful first week of school. During their free time after completing their homework, the children had lots of fun playing in the garden and racing their way to dinner.

Champs Des Bois All together!!!


All together on our way to school! A wonderful experience awaits our younger boarder at CDL. We are so proud of them they have tried their best to settle in, in their new environment and embrace the new journey ahead of them. Watch this blog closely and watch them flourish!!