Science Project and End Of Year Event

Sunday was a truly fun day! We started the day with Mr Zach and Mr Georges Science Project. The boys made rafts about of recycled materials. The rafts were then tested on the pool. We tested buoyancy, load limit and hydrodynamics. In the afternoon we joined a boarding wide party at Concha which celebrated the end of the year. Lots of fun had by all.


Runners vs Riders 6KM

On Saturday, Mana, Chika and Me George embarked on an epic 6KM run in the Runners vs Riders event. The two groups were competing against each other. The cyclists rode 170KM around Lake Leman and the runners had a 60KM relay. The cyclists won by about 20 minutes. Amazing effort from everyone involved, especially our very own Mana and Chika!

Genève et Dodgeball

Saturday saw our boys take a house trip to Geneva to buy some important end of year presents and treats from their home country’s. After dinner we went to the Primary Campus to enjoy some dodgeball! A very busy day, enjoyed by all.

Gonet Geneva Open

On Saturday, our own tennis fanatic Jin went to the Geneva open to watch some first class tennis. He stayed the whole day and watched all the games that the Centre Court had to offer. Amazing experience!

May Sports Challenge

The boys at Champs Des Bois partook in the May Fitness challenge. Today’s challenge was: How many ‘around the worlds’ can you do with a ball in one minute? Transferring the ball around your waist as quickly as possible.

We achieved some of the highest scores in the school, well done boys!

Hello weekend!

Hello weekend!

The boys from Champs Des Bois enjoyed the warm spring evening with a fun game of football. The perfect way to ‘kick off’ the weekend!

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend ahead.