Happy Holidays!

With the Winter Season upon us, The mountains as white as sheep, We wish you all a lovely holiday, And please, get plenty of sleep!

Looking forward to seeing you in 2023!

Tarun & Xavier


La Fête de l’Escalade

La Fête de l’Escalade or simply l’Escalade is a festival that celebrates the day in 1602 that the Genèvois defended their city against the Savoyards.

In the dead of night on the 11th of December 1602, a group of Savoyard commandos attempted to scale the town walls in order to open the main portcullis and allow their larger force of 1,000 soldiers in and conquer Geneva. However – according to legend – a woman now fondly called Mère Royaume was awake and noticed them.

She tossed the marmite (or cauldron) of soup she had been making on top of the Savoyards, which was instumental in the waking the town up and bringing them to the defense of their city.


In her honor, on this day every year, the youngest and eldest in the house come together and smash a chocolate marmite filled with marzipan vegetables and candy wrapped in the colors of the flag of Geneva.

The Boys with our Marmite.

…they really followed through…

First Come First Serve.




Let It Snow!

This morning we had our first snow of the season!

The house was all quiet, until a voice rung out “Boys! It’s snowing!” and the sudden flurry of activity was only matched by the flurries of snow outside our window.

“I haven’t seen snow since New Joisey 2014, yaknowhataimeeeeean!”

Omar: “Tarun, if we make a pile, can I…can I jump off the sunroom into the snow?” Tarun: “……no” Omar: “But -” Tarun: “NO”

Before Karim ruined a bunch of awesome photos.

Look at the green fields coming through the snow!

Some bamboo bowing to the weight of the snow.

Gingerly Constructing A Spicy Home

For our latest iteration of the House Competition, we had a Gingerbread House Making competition!

Omar smiling after sneakily eating some of the decorations (he’s resisting the temptation to take a bite out of the house as well)

Jules and Nadim putting the steadyness of their hands to the test. All I can say is that powdered sugar makes excellent camouflage.

Jules wondering if there will be enough icing sugar (the answer: just barely)

Jules sifting some flour and icing sugar to simulate snow.

Our designer front entrance. A custome Hobbit Hole door by McVities and bespoke M&M window sills by Mars incorporated.

The Ginger Bread Man that lives in this house has a green thumb.

Some helper bears cultivating roses

Some helper bears doing absolutely nothing, completely ignorant of the fact that they are delicious.

The Competition (Old Portena)

The Competition (Villa Du Lac)

The Competition (Olympus)

The Competition (Louis Young 7)

The Competition

The Competition

St Loup

Awards Night!

This evening we had our last Boarding Assembly of 2022!

We also celebrated many students who won awards for Boarding Life, Activities and Academics.

The Franconis boys, on time and looking good.

Some opening words from Mr. Usher

Omar won the Boarding Life award!

Jules won the Activities Award!

Nadim won an Academic award!

We are super proud of the boys!

It was a lovely evening, full of excitement and positive energy and we are already looking forward to the next Awards!