Sunday of Hiking!

Dear all,

Today, Sunday, August 25th, we had the pleasure of venturing into the great outdoors for one of our favorite activities – hiking. Thanks to the guidance and organization of Mr. Xavi, we were able to plan an exciting excursion to Mount Mourex, a beautiful mountain located right on the French border.

Our entire group set off together, and we spent a delightful morning exploring and learning about the various elements that nature has to offer. The hike provided a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the natural world.

It was a truly memorable experience that combined exercise, education, and the joy of being together in such a beautiful place. We are already looking forward to our next adventure!

Here you can see some photos of the wonderful time we had!

The Champs des Bois team 🏡

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