House Assembly: Conflict Resolution!

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

Welcome back to our House Blog!

The topic of yesterday’s House Assembly was “Conflict Resolution”. We started our discussion by asking the boys to give their definition of “Conflict”. We understood that most of the times a conflict starts when we feel that our person, ideas or values have not been respected or valued. We all agreed that “conflicts” are absolutely normal to arise especially in this context where the boys meet new people with different habits, uses, cultures, values etc. They find themselves sharing bathrooms, showers, rooms with perfect strangers, very often for the first time in their lives. It is not easy!

Conflict is a normal, and even healthy, part of relationships which can help youth develop good character traits and life skills. In fact the main point was to teach the boys how to handle conflicts!

We shared 4 main “magical” tips to healthy responses to conflicts:

  2. LISTEN! Listen to the reasons the other person gives for being upset and make sure you understand what the other person is telling you—from his or her point of view
  3. COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY! Remember: recognising and understanding your feelings and emotions is a SUPER POWER. Use “I” messages and always avoid provocative language.
  4. FORGIVE! It is not an easy task as FORGIVENESS is only for the bravest as it requires a lot of courage but… at least try! and BE WILLING TO FIND A COMPROMISE /SUGGEST POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS and REMEMBER WE ARE ALL A BIT NUTS!

We will consistently ensure that these steps are followed in the event of a conflict and we trust you will support us by reminding the boys about the importance of handling conflicts in a positive way!



House Assembly + House Motto!

Dear Parents, Families and Friends!

Yesterday evening we have formally started our Pastoral ProgrammeAt this initial stage, the idea is to expose our kids during formal House Assemblies to those values and topics that represent the guiding principles of our School and community: Respect, Internationalism, School Spirit, Excellence etc

We do not think these are easy things to understand and attain, but we firmly believe that basic values such as Respect, Tolerance, Integrity, Accountability, Altruism and even how to live a happy and meaningful life can be taught in the context of community life through moment of open discussion, where things are stated explicitly, without assuming that our kids will eventually learn things on their own. Once again we would like to stress how your support it is essential in enhancing our messages so we kindly ask you to engage in conversations with your kids in the days following these assemblies.

Yesterday’s topic was “Getting to know each other“, which falls within the theme of “Self-Awareness

Circle time with questions followed by open discussions:

  • what upsets you? (so that as a family we can avoid doing/saying that particular thing)
  • did anyone upset you in our House since you arrived? (please explain why. forgive. move forward)
  • what makes you “you”? which image represents what you truly are?
  • what makes Champs des Bois different from other Houses? which image and sentence (motto) shall we choose to describe our House?

We had a great time together and the boys were asked to look within themselves and they were confronted, some of them for the first time in their lives, with this sort of introspective questions. They shared interesting insights of their inner world and we were very pleased to notice that they did it without embarrassment. Please try to find out more by asking our boys about the image the chose to represent their “true self”!