Welcome Spring!
Gardening Project! Day 1
Happy International Day Of Happiness!
A few things we should let go on our path to Happiness:
1. Holding grudges against people
Life is too short for you to be constantly holding grudges against other people. Whatever they did to you, let it go and move on like the champ that you are. The grudges are only holding you back.
2. The need to be right
Stop arguing your breath out till you’re finally proved right. There’s no joy in being right. It only feeds the ego, and happiness doesn’t come from that toxic place where ego likes to bloat. Be kind instead.
3. The fear of voicing out your opinion
Don’t care about how you’ll be judged if you say the thing that’s on your mind. Go ahead and say it. Don’t think if it’s stupid, absurd, or ridiculous. If it’s your opinion and you feel like saying it, say it.
4. The impulse to complain
When you look around and see yourself surrounded by problems, either created by you or others, complain for a bit since it’s natural to do so, but then stop yourself and get to work. Do, do, do. Complaining is useless.
5. The need to impress others
Whose approval do you seek? And why? Decide whose judgment matters to you and treat those people differently. Don’t go around impressing others. They’ll get an ego trip out of it and you’ll be left unhappy and dissatisfied.
6. Excuses for why things aren’t working out
You can always find excuses for why your life didn’t work out a certain way. Or, you can kick those excuses in the nuts and power through your life, making mistakes, making amends, and just moving ahead rapidly the best way you can.
7. Saying no to new things
Opportunities present themselves to us in every shape and form. They sometimes come dressed up as a job offer at a new city or an event about a subject you’ve never really cared about. The more you say no to these things, the more you close yourself off to new experiences.
8. The need to be someone else
We always notice other people for their mannerisms and their actions. And sometimes, we fill up in envy about it. But we never give a thought to who we really are. Have you ever considered that you may be a subject of envy for a lot of people? Guess what? You are. So just be your proud self.
9. The belief that happiness is a result
The common belief that “I will be happy if I have…” is so inherently flawed that it’s far from funny. You don’t need anything to be happy. Nothing, zilch, nada. Choose to be happy right now and you’ll be well on your way towards finding happiness.
10. Cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs
There’s a belief that taking these substances regularly can somehow make life easier to live. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Addiction can take you into deep, dark places that you wouldn’t want to go.
11. The belief that you’ll have it all figured out one day
We’ll never have it all figured out someday. Life is going to remain confusing and demanding all the way through. But that’s where the secret lies. Much of the beauty of life lies in uncertainty and chaos. Embracing it will take us to places we’d only imagined. Now, wouldn’t that be worth it?