Europa Park

This long weekend we went to the Europa Park. We went there by bus, it took about 4 hours from Versoix to Freiburg in Germany. We stayed in the hotel Bell Rock, it is a nice 4 star hotel. My roommates were two guys from Concha. We were living in a large, comfortable room. Every morning we went for the breakfast, then to the theme park. There were many interesting things to do, my favourite was the “Silver Star” roller-coaster. Every evening we were in the swimming pool. I really enjoyed this weekend, it was an amazing idea to visit Europa park! 


We had amazing trip to Chamonix yesterday.

We got the minibus to drive there, Mr Robertson was driving!

It took about an hour to get there and when we got there we got some tickets to go on the luges. It was really fun, and it was quite fast! And also it was raining really hard at the same time, I think this was an experience I will never forget.

After that we went to the small town, where we had tasty ice  cream and a nice stroll. We decided to eat in one of the traditional mountain town restaurants.

On the way back we saw a huge glacier and stopped next to a waterfall. It was impressive and really beautiful. Also we went to a lake where everyone had fun. I had a nice swim there, the others were playing football or frisbee. So we came back really happy and satisfied.


Hello I’am Mircea and I want to tell you that today was an amazing day. As you can see from the pictures we went rafting in France . We all had a good time and we are waiting for the next weekend.


For the whole school week, the weather was really nice as you can see from the pictures below and we’ve been enjoying it. Also we were pretty excited about going rafting this Sunday. However the weather got worse and its raining from yesterday until today without stopping, so we have decided to go to the cinema instead to watch an amazing movie – Ironman 3!

Winners of the Talent Show

We are very pleased to have our hands on the trophy!!!  Everytime we see the trophy it reminds us of all the hardwork we have been through. It’s nice to see the actual reward in our house. I’m going to try to get it again next year in my new boarding house. I want to say a huge thanks to Mr Robertson, without him we would not have got this far, he had the idea and he also edited the video.


New rooms

After having wonderful Easter holidays, we encountered a huge surprise – our rooms were completely changed in the course of 2 weeks and only a few people could recognise their old rooms – they have become much comfier and they have acquired much more storage space, so there will be much less mess in them. It is a shame, however, that some people did not get any new furniture, their room will be a kitchen next year!

A huge thank you to Mr Usher for giving us the new look of the rooms, we love them!