Middle School Monthly Assembly: How To Make (and keep) Friends!
This evening our beautiful garden has been the venue for the Middle School Monthly Assembly. The agenda for this special event was Friendship, a pretty important and delicate topic for our students. The idea was to ask them a set of questions and give them the chance to share their experiences and knowledge about what friendship is, what makes a good friend, what can bring friendship to an end etc. We were totally impressed with some thoughtful insights and some of our kids have certainly shown a great deal of maturity and self-awareness. A wonderful evening.
House Competition: Sport Day!
Ongoing Environmental Project!
Banana Boat!
IG2 Field Trip!
“Today we welcomed IG2 in Chateau d’Oex. We started off with a workshop about team roles in which we introduced the concept of different team elements. The team roles where then implemented in a pyramid challenge where the whole group had to work together to construct a 15 meter high pyramid out of bamboo and rubber bands.
After enjoying a nice sunny lunch on the terrace of our charming Swiss Chalet, we walked down to the nearby lake for the next section, focusing on conflict management. After a short workshop and splitting in our advisory groups, each team had to build a raft out of barrels and wooden planks. Showing great leadership abilities, teamwork and teams being aware of the conflict roles, we eventually had a fleet of well-functioning rafts, ready to compete in a race around a buoy at the mountain lake.
After heading back to the chalet and filling up the batteries with a healthy dinner, we went out to the woods for bush crafting to build shelters from scratch. While the night fell over Chateau d’Oex, we also practised to make a fire in an efficient and safe manner. The hike back to the camp was led by trainers and teachers who lighted up the night sky with fire torches, which rounded off an intense day filled with learning through workshops and fun practise.
Tomorrow we are heading to the high-ropes park in Aigle where the students have a great opportunity to take their team working skills to an even higher level. Supporting team members while challenging their comfort zones plays a key role in a well-functioning team. We look forward to the good atmosphere and how the impressive teamwork this group has shown is going to express itself tomorrow!”
CDL Swiss Leadership Camp 2018!
Lake Geneva Clean Up!
Happy Birthday Agastya!
What people say about you:
He is very kind and polite to everyone. A true gentleman.
Agastya is a very enthusiastic, intelligent and fun-loving guy who I’m lucky to have as a brother!
Agastya is a responsible and trustworthy boy, he is always willing to help and he also loves scrambled eggs.
Mr. Manuel
Agastya makes other people happy.
He helps me when I need help.
His Chinese is good. He translates me when I don’t understand something.
Oh my God Agastya! Be careful!!!
Mr. Salva
Let’s Clean Up Our Planet!
Dear Families and Friends!
We have started our weekly commitment to make our planet a better place! The Champ des Bois boys have joined with enthusiasm this environmental project that will continue throughout the whole school year. The task is very simple: go out for a 30/60 minutes walk, twice a week, collect as much trash as possible, separate and recycle all the items we find around. The primary aim is certainly to raise public awareness of the current environmental issues which are a real threat to our species. We will also try to have an immediate, real positive impact on our environment by collecting as much plastic, cans, and glass bottles as possible, keep a diary of our work and at the end of this school year recycle all the materials collected! We enjoy enormously to keep our beautiful surroundings clean and protected. Being surrounded by such a beautiful nature it’s a bliss and it has an evident positive effect on our mood and well-being. We should all do our part to protect and preserve it! These boys have already started!