The boarding life Award has been given to Nicholas for his outstanding contribution in day to day life in CDB and the Activities Award has been given to Hannah for her sheer commitment and hard work in attending a wide range of activities.
Author Archives: rhaddam
Sunday at Champs Des Bois
At Champs des Bois we discussed how insects and birds needed shelter during these winter months so we decided to start a little project to make a bug hotel. The boys learned some great DIY skills and it helped their creativity by using various resources and upcycling them 🙂
Saturday at Champs Des Bois
Jam-packed schedule this Saturday * Climbing, horse riding, Thai massage, movie and Take away, Melissa’s parents attended horse riding lessons and invited our boarders for lunch, only one student could attend a fabulous Japanese lunch and treats for all (bubble tea for House parents and students) later in the afternoon a private tennis lesson followed by a Thai massage. In the evening an older boarder from Olympus invited the boys to pick up some sushi and we happily watched a movie.
Wednesday Canadian dinner
We discovered Canadian food this evening, their cuisine looks fairly good and taste great! the fries were divine mixed inside a combo box with cheese, veg and sauce. DELICIOUS 🙂
Saturday Horse Riding
Today both students had an incredible day at their horse riding lesson, the weather was just fabulous the teacher decided to take them on a ride locally, it was just perfect. We then cleaned the ponies and she taught them how to care and use all the equipment accordingly to their use . We took time to stroke other horses and truly embraced the experience immensely and that includes me.
Painting with Light!!
At Champs Des Bois, we had a private session with our professional photographer Dia who came to our boarding house and taught our students how to create fantastic picture effects using various strategies. The pictures below were made by using different lights and movements then the camera captures these movements and sequences of lights, together the outcome is just incredible. We had lots of fun, messing about and creating these outstanding art pieces 🙂
Tonight Asian Fusion Dinner
A great Asian supper this evening infused with lots of wonderful flavours. We are always looking forward to Wednesdays special meals from around the world. Thank you to our great kitchen team 🙂
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Pillar 2 Protecting against bullying and respecting diversity
Our students covered a very important topic part of our wellbeing program, we took the time to watch a short video on respecting diversity and being mindful of bullying others, we then brainstorm what the words meant in real life. They all discussed how important to support and respect others despite their background and ethnicity and we came up with written quotes for our display board. We truly enjoyed this group activity helping our young boarders to understand the importance of words and acts.