🛌Pillar 1 in progress😪

Yesterday, our Franconis boys embarked on their journey to explore the first pillar of wellbeing within our boarding community. We take immense pride in the fact that one of our students, Aloísio, passionately advocated for this pillar, aptly named “Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds.” This pillar will be dedicated to examining the crucial aspect of our students’ sleeping routines, delving into questions such as the duration of their sleep and the strategies they employ to enhance their sleep quality.

In light of this, our students have willingly accepted the challenge. Initially, they will select a tool to aid in improving their sleeping routines. Each night, they will diligently use this chosen tool, and each morning, they will complete a brief survey to rate the quality of their sleep. Through this process, we aim to assess the effectiveness of the selected tools and determine whether adjustments are needed.

We are confident that this initiative will contribute significantly to our boys’ overall wellbeing and inspire them to make positive strides in enhancing their sleeping routines.