2024 has arrived!

Exit 2023, enter 2024. We are delighted to welcome back our boys to Champs Des Bois. During the arrivals weekend, the boys have been helping us to spruce up our home. Aiding our French language learning along the way.

Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead!

Winter Ball 2023

Seasons greetings!

On Saturday 9th December, Champs Des Bois dressed up to attend the annual Winter Ball. It was a beautiful occasion with all boarders in attendance. There was food, dancing, photos and important speeches. Well all enjoyed it and look forward to the next school celebration that brings all of our boarders together.

Amazing Mana!

Today, our grade 5 student Mana was the only boy from Champs Des Bois to run the 5km race organised by our school. Both students and staff took part in the race. And our very own Mana was a medal winner. We are all so proud of his bravery and determination. Well done Mana!