Welcome to Champ des bois 14/15 !

Hello everyone!

We are Jorge and Maluen, House Parents in Champ des Bois, your new home!

Champ des Bois is an amazing place where you will enjoy doing different activities, learning lots of things and having fun with your friends!

Have a good day!! See you at CDL!!

image Jorge

image Maluen

International day

Today was International Day at school! International Day is a chance for all of the students and teachers and staff of the school to represent and share their culture and the food or drinks of their country. It was a very sunny day and everybody had a big smile on their face. I think that it was a total success and that everyone enjoyed it!

CdB int day 1 CdB int day 2

Athletics champion!

A huge well done to Gio who was representing the school today at the Swiss Group of International Schools Athletics meet in Bern. He finished fourth in the 100m and helped the 4x100m also finish in fourth place overall. Very impressive against a very talented field!

CdL came second overall in the whole competition – amazing! Well done to everybody who took part, you should be proud!



Today we went to Vallée d’Abondance on the other side of lake Geneva to do some rafting. The weather was really nice, and it was very hot. It took quite a while to get there, but it was absolutely worth it, because we had loads of fun! The water was freezing, but it wasn’t a problem. We went down the river really quickly, and we were having some breaks where we could jump and swim in the river. Sometimes the rapids were wild, which was really exciting. I am pretty sure that everyone had a great time and we are all delighted that we went.

CdB rafting1 CdB rafting2

The world according to CdB

So there we have it, the boys have given you an idea of places they love, like or would like to visit. Here is an idea of where they are around the world. Interesting to see that North America, Africa and Asia have yet to be conquered! I am sure the boys will travel far and wide throughout their lives and have many great stories to tell about far off lands and different cultures!



Hi everybody
Mr. Moretto here. Proud to introduce you to one of the world’s most beautiful cities: Florence, the birthplace of Renaissance Art, with countless masterpieces on view in its streets and museums, Uffizzi and Accademia to name but two. Surrounded by the green hills of Tuscany, the city is elegant and sophisticated, quiet but with a vibrant night-life. It is quite small and you can get to know it well in a short time: a perfect weekend break for lovers of all things Italian. Strolling from Piazza della Signoria to Palazzo Pitti via Ponte Vecchio in the footsteps of Dante, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo will be easy and pleasurable given that the city centre is pedestrianised and closed to traffic (a rare thing in Italy). As a symbol of my beloved hometown I have chosen the Brunelleschi Dome, where art and science find perfect equilibrium.


Hello, I am Egor and I am going to tell you about my home town Orenburg.

Its in the south of Russia, right next to Kazakhstan. Even though it’s in the south, it’s colder than the north, but also hot in the summer, this is because of the flat lands. The flat lands also mean that it is a good place for farming. The city itself is busy in center, but the population is not that big. There are quite a lot of interesting things to do like going to cinemas, paintballs or swimming in the river. I love this city because its where I grew up and where my friends are. No matter where I live, I always will call Orenburg – Home.

This is a statue of Urii Gagarin, he was the first man in space and he was from Orenburg.


Hello, I am Alexey.

During the holidays I went to Dubai with my family. It was very interesting place to visit.

Dubai is a very fast growing city with lots of tall buildings being built by great architects from all over the world. I visited the top of Burj khalifa (in the picture below) which is the highest building in the world.

It is a great place to go to and a really interesting place because there are a lot of attractions for tourists.

It is still growing and I would like to visit it in couple  of years from now and see what’s changed.
