International week on our blog

Hello Everybody,

As we are at an international school, over the next week or so the boys are going to give you an idea of where they come from and places they have been or would like to visit. Every day for the next 10 days, one of the boys will post a blog about a place in the world of their choosing and tell you a little about it.

To start the ball rolling, I am originally from a small town very near to Edinburgh in Scotland. Edinburgh is a beautiful city with a long and interesting history. I love to go back to Edinburgh and spend a day wandering around its many fascinating landmarks. It is especially enjoyable during August when the international arts festival attracts thousands of performers and visitors from all walks of life. I know I am biased, but I really think that Edinburgh is one of the greatest cities in the world and I would encourage anybody to pay it a visit – you won’t regret it!

Star Flyer ride Edinburgh Edinburgh 02 Edinburgh 03

Welcome back and Happy belated birthday!

We are back in a rather cold wet and miserable Switzerland to start the “big push” to the end of the school year. It’s hard to believe as it feels like only yesterday that we were starting the school year! The boys all have a lot of work ahead of them to make sure they get the best grades possible in the third marking period and the end of year exams, but I am sure we will find the time to have some fun as well!

While we were on holiday, Andrey and Gio sneakily managed to arrange their 16th birthdays – very good planning on their part! A very happy birthday to both of you!
Andrey Gio1

Football and Party!

Today my friends and I had a football tournament and straight after that we had a party to which we invited many CDL teachers. In the tournament our boarding house did well, in the first match we lost 2-1, but we were leading for nearly the whole game because of my goal in the early minutes of first half. However in the second half we failed miserably and conceded two simple goals. After the hard game against 12th graders we played against another team. We beat them 4-1! Nearly everybody scored a goal. First of all Jia Hao scored a goal after my pass, then Mircea dribbled and went passed by everybody and then he scored, the third goal was scored by me after a slick pass from Mircea. The last goal was scored by Egor from a penalty kick.

After the game we went to our boarding house were the party already had begun without us. When we arrived there were around 10 to 12 teachers. When we had arrived nearly all the cupcakes and cookies were finished. All the teachers loved our boarding house. They said it has a pretty view. We had a good time playing mini football and showing our teachers around our rooms. This was a great afternoon. Lots of laughs and joy!


Party3 Party2



Awards ceremony

Champs des Bois can proudly announce that they are the first ever house to retain the CdL boarding talent show trophy! The boys have won it for the second year in a row in the “video” category for our superpowers video we posted last week! The trophy is now on our mantlepiece but as the perfect gentlemen – the boys will hand it over at dinner to Franconis 6 girls who won the award for the “live” category. They did an excellent song and dance routine and the win is well deserved – well done girls!!!

Also celebrated tonight:

Andrey and Vladimir won an award for their participation in the “special effects class”.

Egor won the activities award for his dedication in going to the gym after dinner – great work!

Alexey won the boarding life award for his excellent attitude towards life in Champs des Bois; he never complains when he is asked to do anything, approaches life with a great sense of humour and takes time to think of others – what a nice guy!

Finally, Mauro retains the academic award for his outstanding GPA of 3.71 – incredible, we are all proud of you!

Here are some pictures of the winners – well done everybody!!!

Awards 01 Awards 08 Awards 04 Awards 14 Awards 1 Awards trophy

Talent show

Tonight we had a talent show which was really good fun.

Every boarding house did a great job of making a video or performing on the stage, it gave a chance for many people to express themselves and share their talents with everyone.  We tried our best and made our video which is attached below (it might not have music because of youtube copyrights and all that kind of stuff.)  Making it was good fun!


Biking and nature walk

Today we took the bikes to the nature reserve. It was very quiet and relaxing. We saw a Coot (bird), Primroses (springtime flowers) and heard lots of frogs – it sounded like they were laughing at us! It was nice to do this and we are lucky we have a place like this so close to our school. I hope we go there again.
Biking Biking coot frog primroses


On Sunday the weather was sunny and nice, so all of Champ-des-Bois went on a biking trip into Versoix. There, we found a nice place to play the traditional french game of “petanque.” It was very interesting and not complicated at all. We had great time doing it and got some fresh air in the process!

cdb petanqe1 cdb petanqe2 cdb petanqe3

Biking – coming soon

In this marking period we are please to have biking again. Today was not a very good day for biking due to the rain. Therefore, we decided to pump the tires of the bikes instead for next time. Gio was the responsible one for the pumping and the others were checking whether the bikes were fine or not. Me and Mauro are new to this activity; we learned how to bike in the beginning of the year and we are excited to show what we have learned! We hope next week the weather will be good to us and we will be able to go for  a ride.cdb biking 01