What’s This Game?

The boys have discovered ‘Scrabble’ finally! This game has been in the toy chest for a while but today we had our first game ever. There was some super spelling, creative vocabulary and a silly word or two…

We had to put on our thinking caps but we had a really fun time!

Boot Camp Boys!

Mr. Jaime was an excellent coach to the youngest boarders in College du Leman this Saturday. These boys had great behaviour and showed some true power in each exercise. We knew we had some true Super-Heroes in training in our house and my gosh how they proved it this weekend! We done boys!

1st Relaxation & Anti-stress Sessions

Being a child can be stressful! The Champs des Bois Team have prepared a few relaxation and anti-stress sessions to help them unwind. The first session was focused around Kevin and Ivor who both had a bad day full of emotions and anxiety. They enjoyed the first relaxation video before bed and it helped put their minds at ease, reflect on their behaviour, and understand emotions and concerns that they had been feeling. This first session was a success for them…their mood improved radically and they fell asleep pleasantly.We are very pleased to see the good effect it has had on them, so we can’t wait for the next session.Β  SWEET DREAMS BOYS!


Check & Mate β™Ÿ

Since the boys discovered this game last April, they expressed their will to learn and practice more.
We asked for Gary Kasparov, but he was on holiday, so he sent his best pupil: Mr. Miguel, the CDL chess master β™Ÿ

Well-being Pillar 2

Our second pillar of well-being has begun and we are talking about Diversity and Bullying. As CDL is an International School there is already such great diversity all over campus so for Champs des Bois’ Individual Project the children have chosen someone they know and have written 10 things they like and 5 differences they have with this person. It’s really nice to read what lovely things our boys at CDB have written down.

Well done Mini-Superheroes!

Folding Clothes Together!

Mr. Sergio started the first little lesson on how to fold our clothes properly and how to have nice organised cupboards and drawers. As you may notice here, Sacha is absolutely brilliant at this showing all the boys in the house that he is a pro at folding. Next we are going to look at how to keep their cupboard neat and tidy. Also, we will see other different ways of folding and maybe do some speed contests in the future, let’s see how it goes…