A Stroll Around Lausanne

Today our students had the day off from school thanks to it being Jeune Genevois, a public holiday here in the canton de Genève that celebrates the youth of Geneva. We took a trip over to Lausanne so that they could explore the city and make sure they have everything they need before leaving for the mountains this weekend.

Bus 2 outside the Palais Rumine.



Wellbeing Pillar 1 – Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds

It is that time of year again when we launch the first pillar of our wellbeing programme in the Boarding Houses – ‘Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds’. 

Throughout this pillar we will be ensuring our students understand the importance of taking care of our bodies and our minds in our day to day lives. Furthermore, we will be highlighting sport participation, sleeping patterns, nutrition and relaxation methods, as sub topics. With the students, we will discuss and discover how all these could play a key role in maintaining a healthy balance.

This week we will be asking the students how different sports or creative activities can help them with both their physical and mental health.

We sat down together as a house and watched the following video:

Afterwards, Karim and Jules, our student advocates for this pillar, discussed the following questions with the rest of the house, as well as gave their own answers and thoughts:

  1. What sports/activities they participate in?
  2. Why they do it?
  3. How they feel afterwards?
  4. What benefits they find (physical and psychological)?
  5. What you would say to someone who doesn’t participate in much sport or does not focus on any particular hobbies?

Franconis is quite an active house, with many of the boys frequenting the gym several times per week. It was interesting to see how the ways they get their exercise differs based on their own individual interests and physical capability.

Some of the boys discussed how exercise helped them blow off steam, grows their confidence and just generally makes them feel better if they have had a tough day.

They are looking forward to challenging themselves as a group!

Introducing Karim!

The first of a series of posts introducing the various members of our house and sharing some photos from their first few days at CDL this year.

We begin with Karim, our resident lover of techno/house, ABBA, pancakes and GAINS.

Unpacking on the first day. The house sweater fits well!

Role playing as a House Parent. Where’s your blazer??

Ready for the gym!


Cake It Till You Make It

On this rainy evening, Nadim decided he wanted to bake a cake.

Improvising a measuring cup out of a protein shaker

Blending it up

Oddly hypnotic

We were getting a bit worried about how much it was rising…

Fresh out of the oven. Nadim is trying to ignore the big slice I made checking if it was done…

The Finished Product

Thank you Louis Degallier for letting us use your cake tins!