Franconis Weekend Chill: Climbing, Chess, Tennis, and Stretching! 🏞️🧗‍♂️🎾

Hello, Franconis Maestros! 🌟

Despite the chilly embrace of winter in Versoix, our Franconis boys turned the cold weekend into a canvas of adventure and camaraderie. With the term bidding farewell, they embraced every opportunity to craft those unforgettable experiences that define life at Collège du Léman.

Navi, our resident climbing virtuoso, scaled new heights and reaffirmed his title as the school’s best climber. Saturday morning became his playground, conquering walls with the grace and strength that set him apart. 🧗‍♂️💪

In the realm of intellect, Meylis chose the chessboard as his battleground. Participating in the chess club, he delved into the strategic intricacies, enhancing not only his chess skills but also his lateral thinking. ♟️🤔

Jeff, Aloísio, and Víctor showcased their tennis prowess, uniting as the formidable Franconis Tennis Team. The court witnessed their skills and teamwork, a testament to the camaraderie that defines Franconis. 🎾🌟

Amidst the weekend bustle, Martín maintained his dedication to health with his customary stretching session. A true embodiment of healthy routines, he ensured the weekend was not just about fun but also about well-being. 🤸‍♂️🌈

And now, let’s relive the highlights with some captivating pictures and videos from this Winter Wonderland Weekend:


Here’s to Franconis’ indomitable spirit, making every weekend an adventure to remember! 🌟❄️🏞️