A Weekend of Achievements at Villa Franconis đź’Ş

What an exciting weekend it has been for our Villa Franconis students!

On Sunday, our runners took part in the iconic Escalade Run in Geneva. Weeks of training and preparation paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of their efforts. While we await the official results, we want to take a moment to applaud Zitian, Antonio, Kaishu, and Wenyan for their determination and incredible performances. Well done, runners—you’ve made us all proud!

Our weekend was also filled with creativity as we put the finishing touches on our gingerbread house for the annual competition. The students worked together to craft an impressive design, and we can’t wait to see how it fares. Take a look at our creation—it’s a masterpiece!

Finally, a special shoutout goes to Antonio and his friend Roxy, who spent Friday cooking in our house and distributing food to homeless people in Geneva. Their kindness and initiative are truly heartwarming and a reminder of the power of giving back. Bravo, Antonio!

It’s been a weekend to remember, full of achievements and acts of kindness. Stay tuned for more updates from Villa Franconis!