Franconis Farewell to a Semester of Triumphs and Tales! 🎉🏡

Dear Franconis Family and Collège du Léman Enthusiasts,

As the curtain falls on an exhilarating semester, filled to the brim with adventures, newfound experiences, and a tapestry of emotions, we stand in awe of the incredible journey we’ve shared. Our Franconis boys have not only weathered the challenges but have excelled with flying colours, making us burst with pride!

As we bid adieu to the first term, it’s time for our Franconis lads to recharge their batteries, gather strength, and relish the well-deserved break. The doors of Franconis will be gently closed until the 6th of January at 09:00 a.m., eagerly awaiting the return of our energetic bunch.


To the entire Collège du Léman community, and especially to the families and friends of Villa Franconis Boarding House, we extend warm wishes for the holiday season and an extraordinary New Year in 2024! May it be filled with joy, laughter, and a multitude of unforgettable moments.

Here’s to the adventures that await in the second term and the continued success of our remarkable Franconis family!

Happy Holidays and Cheers to 2024! 🎊🏡🌟

Melodic Maestro: Meylis Takes the Stage at WATU Concert! 🎶🌟

Hello, Music Enthusiasts of Franconis! 🌈

Today marked a symphony of talent at the annual WATU concert organized by Collège du Léman, and our very own Meylis stole the spotlight as the maestro of melody! 🎤🎉

Amidst a gathering of students, teachers, and staff, Meylis graced the stage with his exceptional musical prowess. With a repertoire spanning famous songs and heartwarming Christmas carols, they captivated the audience with their soulful performance.

We can’t help but beam with pride for our beloved Meylis, who continues to elevate his musical skills to new heights. His dedication, passion, and sheer talent are a testament to the vibrant spirit of Franconis.





Here’s to Meylis, the musical virtuoso of our house! 🎵🌟

Honoring History: Franconis Pays Tribute to L’Escalade Tradition! 🏰🍫

Salut, Franconis Admirers! 🌟

As the eve of L’Escalade unfurls its historical tapestry, our Franconis boys took a sweet journey through time to pay homage to the brave defenders of Geneva. In the early morning hours of December 12, 1602, the city stood resilient against the Savoyan invaders, a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people.

Continuing the cherished tradition, our Franconis family gathered to express their respect and gratitude. In a symbolic act, the youngest member, Aloísio, and the seasoned stalwart, Navi, took centre stage. Together, they smashed a chocolate cauldron brimming with candies, a gesture that echoes through the centuries in recognition of the courage displayed by the people of Geneva.


In this act of remembrance, Franconis embodies the spirit of unity and resilience that defines the historical narrative of L’Escalade. As we join in this tradition, let’s reflect on the valor of the past and celebrate the bonds that tie us to Geneva’s rich heritage.

Joyeuse L’Escalade to all! 🏰🍬

🎊Winter Ball 2023🪩

First Semester is coming to an end and the Boarding Community celebrated this weekend with and amazing cocktail, dinner and party.

The house members dressed up for the special occasion.

Aloisio and his friends happily celebrating the end of the semester prior de winter break.

Jeff and his mates doing the same a few minutes ahead the fancy dinner.

Meylis was also enjoying the beautiful venue.

And we couldn’t be prouder of Martin and the words he dedicated to his teachers, mentors and friends. We are also very happy that you chose to spend your last two years of high school with us. All the best for you!


Franconis Stars Shine Bright at Boarding Awards Ceremony! 🌟🏆

Hello, Collège du Léman Champions! 🌈

Yesterday, the Collège du Léman community gathered for a splendid occasion—the semestral Boarding Awards Ceremony, a time to applaud the dedication and accomplishments of our outstanding students.

Boarding Life Brilliance: 🌐🏡

In the realm of Boarding Life, we had the privilege of honouring individuals who have contributed immensely to the social fabric of our CDL community. A special shoutout to Martín, our esteemed prefect, whose unwavering efforts have played a pivotal role in enhancing the boarding experience for all. Well done, Martín!


Boarding Activities Maestro: ⚽🌍

Another bright star on the Franconis horizon, Víctor, took home the prestigious award for Boarding Activities. Víctor’s unwavering commitment to a myriad of activities, from thrilling trips to weekend adventures and his regular football sessions, has been nothing short of commendable. His enthusiasm has added vibrancy to the boarding life at CDL.


As we bask in the glory of these achievements, let’s extend our heartfelt congratulations to Martín and Víctor for their stellar contributions. Here’s to the spirit of excellence and camaraderie at Collège du Léman! 🎉👏

Franconis Performance in Collège du Léman’s Gingerbread House Extravaganza! 🏠🍬

Greetings, Gingerbread Enthusiasts of Collège du Léman! 🌟

Today marked the grand spectacle of our annual Gingerbread House Competition, and oh boy, did our Franconis crew shine bright! Under the expert leadership of Captain Navi and his trusty companion Jeff, the Franconis students transformed gingerbread dreams into architectural masterpieces.

As the night unfolded, the Franconis team showcased unparalleled dedication and teamwork. The making-off moments captured their meticulous attention to detail and the joy they poured into every sprinkle and candy placement.

The result? An extraordinary gingerbread creation that earned our Franconis students a well-deserved spot in the Gingerbread Architects Hall of Fame. Whether or not they take home the crown, their effort and creativity have left an indelible mark.

But wait, the competition was fierce! Take a peek at the impressive creations from our fellow boarding houses. Each house brought its unique flair to the gingerbread landscape, making it a tough call for the judges.

As we await the final verdict, let’s applaud the Franconis team for their outstanding Gingerbread House prowess. Here’s to the spirit of creativity, teamwork, and festive joy at Collège du Léman! 🎄🍭

Franconis Weekend Chill: Climbing, Chess, Tennis, and Stretching! 🏞️🧗‍♂️🎾

Hello, Franconis Maestros! 🌟

Despite the chilly embrace of winter in Versoix, our Franconis boys turned the cold weekend into a canvas of adventure and camaraderie. With the term bidding farewell, they embraced every opportunity to craft those unforgettable experiences that define life at Collège du Léman.

Navi, our resident climbing virtuoso, scaled new heights and reaffirmed his title as the school’s best climber. Saturday morning became his playground, conquering walls with the grace and strength that set him apart. 🧗‍♂️💪

In the realm of intellect, Meylis chose the chessboard as his battleground. Participating in the chess club, he delved into the strategic intricacies, enhancing not only his chess skills but also his lateral thinking. ♟️🤔

Jeff, Aloísio, and Víctor showcased their tennis prowess, uniting as the formidable Franconis Tennis Team. The court witnessed their skills and teamwork, a testament to the camaraderie that defines Franconis. 🎾🌟

Amidst the weekend bustle, Martín maintained his dedication to health with his customary stretching session. A true embodiment of healthy routines, he ensured the weekend was not just about fun but also about well-being. 🤸‍♂️🌈

And now, let’s relive the highlights with some captivating pictures and videos from this Winter Wonderland Weekend:


Here’s to Franconis’ indomitable spirit, making every weekend an adventure to remember! 🌟❄️🏞️

A Wednesday Extravaganza: Music, Football, and Italian Delights with Franconis! 🎶⚽🍝

Hello, Franconis aficionados! 🌟

This past Wednesday unfolded as a whirlwind of excitement for some of our Franconis boys, packed with musical magic, football fervour, and a delicious Italian feast!

Winter Festive Concert Brilliance: 🎸🎤

Meylis, our musical maestro, stole the spotlight at the Winter Festive Concert. Strumming the guitar to the melodious tune of Justin Bieber’s “Mistletoe,” he, along with Mr Roger on the piano and Ana Lucía’s stunning vocals, created a performance to remember. Check out this snippet from their enchanting musical collaboration:


Football Showdown and Effort Beyond Measure: ⚽🏆

Meanwhile, on the football field, Navi and Jeff showcased their skills as vital members of the boarding football team in a crucial match against Champittet. The game was an intense battle, pushing both teams to their limits. Despite a valiant effort that led the match to penalties, our lads faced defeat. Yet, their resilience and spirited play until the last minute were truly commendable.

Here are some glimpses from the football showdown:


Italian International Dinner Delight: 🍝🇮🇹

Amidst all the action, our Franconis family also indulged in the flavours of Italy with the Italian International Dinner. From pasta perfection to delectable desserts, it was a culinary journey to remember.

Here’s to the incredible talents and efforts of our Franconis boys, whether on stage, on the field, or at the dining table. Your passion and dedication shine bright!