Biking Léman style

This morning we collected the mountain bikes and headed out into the woodland, passing all the agricultural fields and navigating the orchards, returning in time for a well-earned lunch ?


House Competition- Motto and Logo

My name is Zen and I am the House Rep of Léman 1.  Earlier this week we had a House Competition against other Houses. We had to create a logo and motto for Léman. As I am the House Rep I wanted to contribute to Léman so I decided to share my idea.

I will start of explaining the motto which is Learn Achieve Experience Dream. If you read the first letter of each word it spells out LEAD. I took this idea from the school motto RISE, which stands for Respect, Internationalism, Spirit and Excellence. The reason why I chose LEAD is because we want to lead other Houses and be the role models for the Boarding Community.

For our logo, I first chose the shield shape that represents winning. I took the colour of the logo from College du Leman logo which is yellow, red and blue. The picture below is the Léman building. I also mentioned the motto in the logo so I could give a strong representation of the motto. Lastly, the icons I chose symbolise sport, education, internationalism, home and friendship.

As a result we came 6th out of 15 which is a good start and I’m looking forward to increasing our position in the next completion.



Surf`s up !

After a summer of sun, the clear blue water of Lac Léman is pleasantly warm for our surfer, Rodrigo !

We welcome him back to CdL and to Léman One 🙂