Peer Pressure Can Be Positive

As part of our Wellbeing Pillar 3- Building Positive Friendships, we are looking into peer pressure. We are all familiar with the feeling of being coerced to do something by our friends. Feeling that in order to fit in, or not be judged negatively, or to gain influence or credit, that we do something we ordinarily would not feel comfortable doing.

This week we explored whether Peer Pressure can also be positive. Can that pressure from friends be felt in a positive way. To instil motivation in us, or self-confidence, or help us grow.


Continuing the schools effort to celebrate the motto of R.I.S.E. this coming week will be Respect Week. To show our contribution to this effort, the Boarding Community demonstrated how we Respect the environment. On Sunday every Boarding House was challenged with caring for a particular part of Versoix. The boys of Leman undertook the forest paths behind the school and armed with tongs and bags, they cleared the area of any trash and recyclable items.

Ski Day 1

This year we are having ski days! For 5 Saturdays throughout the next couple of months, we will be offering the students the opportunity to do a full day of skiing. These are at local resorts in Switzerland which we can easily get to for the day. This Saturday we were split between the resorts of Villars and Leysin