Musings of a student.

A chat with Boyuan (17, China- joined Jan 17)

What has been the best part of your time at CDL ?

After school activities. Huge variety of activities are included as part of the curriculum. Even on the weekend the school organise different events for us. Also, Saturday study club provide us a chance to study…. ?

What have you learnt about yourself while at CDL?

Honesty, skills and calmness. We do not just learn on the textbook, we learn how to be friends with each other and to be a humble person.

What are the good things about being at CDL?

Friendship and nice opportunities to study. We have a really good campus and teachers and staff. Delicious food and lots of after school activities.

What advice would you give to a new student?

Do what the House Parents ask you to do and be on time in the morning. Punctuality is important.

What will you miss most about CDL during the summer?

The Boarding House and the people. I personally stayed half a year and will miss everything in CDL during the summer.


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