Weekend On Campus!

The weekend kicked off with an exhilarating start on Friday evening as we delved into the world of jungle puzzles. The boys, brimming with enthusiasm, were determined to conquer as many puzzle pieces as possible. However, Mr. George couldn’t resist the challenge and ended up putting the finishing touches on it. Little did we know, that once you start working on a puzzle, it becomes an addictive adventure that’s hard to walk away from!

In the afternoon the kitchen became a hub of creativity as we embarked on a baking adventure, concocting a banana and chocolate cake that left our taste buds dancing with joy. The boys participated in a fantastic cookery workshop where they crafted cordon bleu paired with creamy mashed potatoes.

As the day progressed, Donny revelled in the exhilarating experience of scaling new heights and other boys revamped the old flower pots this activity added a therapeutic touch to the already dynamic weekend.