After school Club Photography

Ms Dia the Photography teacher shared these pictures with me today, the topic was friendship. The students captured some fantastic shots of each other, and at the same time, they were having a fun time. The first picture speaks for itself !!!

A fantastic ride by the lake Leman !!!

Jin impressed us by cycling 27 km, he kept a good pace despite a small tumble on the pavement, we stopped at Coppet for refreshments then we checked a wonderful annual town sale where people sell unwanted items from their attic. I found Jin’s perfect present an old tennis racket dating from 1940’s. He was thrilled and happy with this special gift. Then we continued our venture to another nearby town Nyon, for a well-deserved ice cream. The cycle back was slightly harder for me but we’ve done it. A great day 🙂

Foodie trip

On Saturday, June 3rd 2023, Cinar, Nicholas and I went for a trip to Geneva.

The boys had a great time: we went to MANOR, bought Japanese snacks and went to McDonald’s. Cinar had bought the Oreos McFlurry with caramel coulis for the first time and he actually loved it !!

A fabulous morning at the stables

Today I was delighted to take my two girls to the stables, their commitment to attending weekly shows excellent effort. They are so comfortable being around horses. We left for a nice local woodland walk, the weather was beautiful. What a FANTASTIC start to a day 🙂


Random pictures of CDB students daily life

Donny worked on his school project with a senior boarder, she was very patient and supportive.
We decided to make miniature animals out of soft clay, and the results are not bad on the first try. Donny decided to make his own object the results is quite astonishing.
Thank you, Mr Manu, for a surprise visit with a nice cold treat during this hot weather.

Melissa invited her friend Julie for a play at CDB, the girls are just adorable xoxo

Melissa’s mum paid us a visit this afternoon and brought some delicious cakes for all the boys who celebrated their birthdays *Cinar, Jin and Luca.* A thoughtful treat thank you
 Prior to taking his shower, Donny acted out being a chicken, he was so funny 🙂 these are priceless moments with younger boarders!


An extra day off for the students, who clearly enjoyed a day trip to Luna Park Funfair in Lausanne. Whilst other boarders stayed and equally enjoyed activities in CDB, we went for a long walk that stopped by the lake. As soon as the boys got back they wanted to play football, and then they returned home to sample Jin’s cake. The verdict was very positive no leftovers 🙂

Coaching with CDB

One of our older boarding students, Chady from Leman Boarding House (Grade 9), was kind enough to step in as Coach for our young football enthusiasts. It was great to see them all running drills, listening to his advice and most of all having fun!