Hanging Around at the Climbing Club and Much More

Climbing is a top choice for the boys on the weekend, they like to attend this club together and have really helped each other improve by pushing themselves to do harder climbs.

Also, we love going to Olympus sports gym to play whatever sport that we feel like. Today we tried a bit of table-tennis, basketball, football and even some improvised dances by Donny.

Fun on the Farm

Melissa and Hannah love spending time at the stables with their favourite horses and ponies. It was a bit rainy this weekend but still nice under the shelter that the stables provided.

Microscopic Finds, Macroscopic Fun

Today we spent our afternoon in Villa Franconis and helped Mr. Tarun set up a microscope. We then used tweezers and other tools to collect things from the garden and around the house to put under the lenses and investigate. We tried pollen from the flowers, onion peel and even a hair from Mr. Tarun’s head!

Pillar 4 Online Safety

At CDB we covered the topic of Online Safety for over 2 weeks, To conclude this pillar students completed an online game and a quiz. Then we discussed their safety during their online activities. This led nicely to explaining the rules at Champs Des Bois on devices and why they are in place.

  • 30 minutes of device time weekly and 1 hour during the weekend
  • Using their devices downstairs and not in their rooms
  • Call to their parents are permitted anytime and can be done privately in their room.
  • Ipads and phones are kept safely in the office

Thank You Mr Gordon

The second part of St Patrick’s Mishap,

This has been by far the best St Partick’s quest the students have encountered, it kept us all very much entertained these past 3 days.

  1. The students had to find 7 puzzles hidden in the dining hall
  2. Put them together and solve the challenge
  3. They had to take 7 selfies with items described in the challenge and then forward these pictures to the highest building on campus.
  4.   This led to today’s  challenge as the students earned the trust of Seamus they had to help find over 200 coins scattered in the garden
  5. If the students found at least half they will receive a huge reward
  6. The reward was BIG 🙂

A massive Thank you Mr Gordon from Champs Des Bois Students, we truly enjoyed this mystery mission and solving the clues was fun! The reward was super generous and we shall enjoy every bit of it immensely.


Sunday Brunch!

If one place can do Brunch, CDL can! Every Sunday our Boarders and House Parents look forward to this wonderful selection of food. Our chefs and kitchen staff are incredible Thank you 🙂

St. Patrick’s Day Mishap!

A massive thank you to Senior House Parent Mr Gordon for engaging CDB students in this quest, they truly enjoyed receiving a hand-delivered letter this morning to begin this St. Patrick’s Day Mishap, their curiosity and eagerness to solve the mystery were enchanting. We agreed to continue this quest and wore something green for dinner. We collected a box left in our pigeonhole, and the boys were keen to open it as soon as we got home, challenge 2 was complete we drew our Leprechauns on the mini canvas provided. STAY TUNNED, the quest continues…