Yifan’s 10th Birthday!

On Sunday, Yifan celebrated her 10th birthday. We were very excited to be able to share this special day with her. We enjoyed playing laser tag with the other Junior Houses, classic party games like ”the floor is lava” and ”hide n seek”. Then we all gathered together to sing her Happy Birthday in the afternoon.


Weekend at Champs Des Bois

A great weekend filled with many wonderful activities, the kids made a start  deweeding an area of the garden, we are planning to create a sensory garden *project ongoing…* continue following our blog to watch the progress.  Cooking and baking club made some delicious brownies and biscuits. Each week students who takes on the same activity such as horse riding  shows a great deal of improvement in their skills.  Saturday the weather was pleasant we went to Geneva for some shopping and sightseeing and finally Sunday we indulged in our Sunday brunch then I performed my sound bath therapy with a special assistant 🙂

Pumpkin Competition

All boarding houses entered a fierce competition to win points for their houses. The students in CDB took this seriously, they first emptied the pumpkin carefully taking turns, then decided on which template to choose for their design, finally carved and decorated it creatively.  These innovative activities bring so much to our younger boarders, creativity, team work, fine motor skills and fun.

Farewell Dinner at home

We had an exceptional dinner at home last night, the kids helped to mark a special moment In CDB with our House Parent Alex! *First shopping trip to Coop  * Menu agreement Chinese meal  * Menu prep and table set up * scrumptious supper * games to complete the night. It was a great evening overall 🙂