Fête de l’Escalade

On Sunday, the boys took part in the traditional breaking of the chocolate Marmite. This
Geneva tradition celebrates the Mère Royaume pouring her cauldron of hot soup over the
enemies during the Savoyard invasion in 1602, keeping them from advancing any further.

Gingerbread House Competition

At CDB the students each decorated their piece of the gingerbread house to enter another fierce competition, some boarding houses delivered some fantastic designs. Stay tuned for the announcement !! which boarding house will win?? let’s hope we made the first 3 🙂

Award Ceremony

The boarding life Award has been given to Nicholas for his outstanding contribution in day to day life in CDB and the Activities Award has been given to Hannah for her sheer commitment and hard work in attending a wide range of activities.

Sunday at Champs Des Bois

At Champs des Bois we discussed how insects and birds needed shelter during these winter months so we decided to start a little project to make a bug hotel. The boys learned some great DIY skills and it helped their creativity by using various resources and upcycling them 🙂

Saturday at Champs Des Bois

Jam-packed schedule this Saturday * Climbing, horse riding, Thai massage, movie and Take away, Melissa’s parents attended horse riding lessons and invited our boarders for lunch, only one student could attend a fabulous Japanese lunch and treats for all (bubble tea for House parents and students) later in the afternoon a private tennis lesson followed by a Thai massage. In the evening an older boarder from Olympus invited the boys to pick up some sushi and we happily watched a movie.

Little Masterchefs

Today all the Boarding Houses competed in a Bake Off Competition. Our boys decided to make a sponge cake and decorate it with strawberries, cream and lots of sprinkles! We hope the judges liked it!

Thanksgiving Dinner

This past Thursday we were lucky enough to be treated to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. The Chefs prepared a delicious meal and students and staff had decorated the dining hall very nicely. We all shared what we were thankful for and had a lovely celebration together.