House Captain and House Rep @ Champs Des Bois

At the beginning of each year we encourage students to come forward if they would like to take part in the role of House Captain and House Representative. I am delighted to announce these two students Nicholas and Jin who were voted  anonymously by their fellow housemates yesterday. We discussed the role and responsibilities, we would like them to encourage students to participate in house activities and competitions. Being supportive, helpful and sustaining the spirit of the house.


Weekend Activities

This weekend our little ones took part in various activities that were on offer. On Saturday we all went to a climbing gym and Sunday started off with an adventurous walk through the nearby forest and ended with a House sports competition. What a fun weekend we’ve all had!

After School Fun !

The Champs des Bois children have enjoyed a wonderful first week of school. During their free time after completing their homework, the children had lots of fun playing in the garden and racing their way to dinner.

Champs Des Bois All together!!!


All together on our way to school! A wonderful experience awaits our younger boarder at CDL. We are so proud of them they have tried their best to settle in, in their new environment and embrace the new journey ahead of them. Watch this blog closely and watch them flourish!!

Welcome Back !

We are very excited to welcome all the superstars back to Champs des Bois! We have some returning boarders as well as some new students to get to know. The house is all ready and we can’t wait to meet everybody!

Closing for SUmmer Holidays

It was a delightful school year for the Champs des Bois Boarding House.

It was an exciting and challenging journey for everyone.

We would like to thank all the kids, parents and staff members for their involvement, help and encouragement.

We wish to all of you a very nice and restful summer holiday.

The Champs des Bois Boarding Team, Miss. Elisabeth, Miss Viktoria, Mr. Stéphane & Mr. Zachary.


Grade 5 Graduation!

Well done Louis, Firdavs, Liam, Matvei and Amir!


You have graduated from Primary school, you are growing up very fast and are moving up to Middle-school. We hope you are very proud of yourselves for such an outstanding year, we know we are extremely proud of you! Even though some of you are moving up to the Middle-school Boarding House we hope that you will remember with a smile the time spent with us in Champs des Bois. We hope to have given you the foundation to become kind, hard-working children and hope that you will use the tools we have given you to continue to thrive in the next chapter of your lives.

We hope you will still come to visit us because we will miss you so much. Thank you so much for all the great memories!

End of Year event

After 10 months of School, after sharing wonderful moments together, we celebrate the end of the school year this Sunday. The kids enjoyed magical moments outside, playing with inflatable games, laser tag and swimming pool.