No Screens Before Bed Week

During this pillar, one of the things we’re most proud of the children for is the great week we just had. It was our ”No screens before bed week” The children chose activities they would like to do instead of watching an episode of a cartoon before bed. We put these options in a hat and picked one out every evening.
On Monday we all did some reading from our lovely home library in Champs des Bois, Tuesday we had a board-games night and all played a wonderful memory game together, Wednesday we had social hour on campus with the other Boarding Houses, Thursday the children went for another social hour in the evening and on Friday we set up a ”skateboard shop”. We helped Liam strip down old skateboards that we have now painted as pieces of artwork, Liam plans to sell these artistic boards to raise money for charity. Well done to all of you!


After a morning filled with activities, some went horse riding, others running or boating, we spent the afternoon in Geneva. The children enjoyed roaming around in a few stores and playing in the park. One of the stores gave Liam a skateboard deck, which he wants to paint and turn in to a complete skateboard. We also payed a visit to an exhibition about happiness in the Quartier Libre SIG. After all this fun, there were a lot of sleepy faces on the bus.


Wellbeing pillar 1

After talking about healthy food and good sleep, in this weeks wellbeing session we talked about screen time before bed. We talked about the effects of screen time on our physical and mental health. Because of these effects we decided to not watch TV anymore for an entire week. There were screams of shock in the house when we announced this, but the children came up with some nice alternatives for the evenings. Next week we will paint, play hide and seek, boardgames etc. instead of watching TV.


Miss Cooper Came to Visit Us!

Today after school Mikaela and Zhiyu’s Grade 4 teacher Miss Cooper came round the house to visit us. Miss Cooper was super helpful with the children’s homework and was impressed when the children showed off their bedrooms, the house and the big garden!

Thank you for coming round to spend some time with!

Mountains and Smiles

We arrived back to the Boarding House this afternoon after a fantastic weekend. We are all very exhausted from such an active weekend in the mountains and the children are having an early night so they can be rested and ready for school tomorrow.

  • Mikaella joined me in the climbing activity and did a super job! She managed to do indoor climbing and outdoor climbing. At the beginning she was a bit hesitant and it took her a while to feel comfortable on the wall. After she was comfortable, she was up and down enjoying herself a lot.
  • Nicholas thoroughly enjoyed his activities this weekend. It has been a great experience and a nice way to bond with students from different Boarding Houses. We spent a lot of our time with the 2 Middle-school Houses, the boys from Concha Blanca House and the girls from Old Portena House, Nicholas mixed really well amongst all the children. On his Acrobranche activity he had fun and Mr. Max who went with the group explained to me that he had a little fall (completely safe and no injuries) but that it didn’t dent his confidence and he continued to enjoy himself.
  • Zhiyu really impressed us all this weekend, not only was he helpful, polite and kind to others but he showed great team spirit and was really brave in his mountain biking activity. He was praised for his bravery from his Activity Leader.
  • WOW – What an incredible weekend for Liam! He has come back saying that it was the best weekend ever. He joined Mr. Rob and a group to do the overnight hike to Glacier 3000. This is such an achievement and he is very proud of himself as we all are super proud of him for having such great positivity and spirit.
  • Matvei went with Nicholas to the Acrobranche activity and said his favourite moment of the whole weekend was when he had a pillow fight with Zhiyu and Nicholas on Saturday evening after the disco!

Trip to Lausanne

Today, Liam and Zhiyu went to visit two museums in Lausanne: the Vaud Geology Museum and the Olympic Museum. In the first one they found some crystals, dinosaurs and other fossils. In the Olympic Museum they became athletes themselves in front of a green screen after learning all about them.

Red Hoodies

We are very happy to show you our brand new house hoodies. This year we went for red, a warm and bright colour that perfectly reflects the mood of our boarding house 🏡.

Even if it’s not cold yet, our students enjoy to hang out in it while playing board games and drink cup of tea before bed time.