First We Paint – Then We Skate!

Saturday morning we had an art session this time not choosing a normal canvas or a colouring book but our skateboards. We put some great ideas together and came out with some masterpieces.ย  First we paint then we skate.

It was such nice weather to be out there practising hard on new turns and mainly (and most importantly) just having fun.

Cheat Meal

On Saturday evening me made a little stop by a fast-food to enjoy a little snack. No worries we still continue to eat fruit and vegetables for each meal alongside with healthy food ๐Ÿ˜‰

Reading always first

The secret of a good weekend, is to have all the homework ๐Ÿ“š done by Friday afternoon. After school we accomplish everything we need to be done so we have all the free time to enjoy the weekend.

Wellbeing Pillar 4: Online Safety

We have started our new pillar of Wellbeing here in the Primary House – Online Safety. As the boys are growing up they will be more active with technology and using the Internet. The Internet can be such a great place to learn and discover the world and many curiosities nevertheless there are some basic rules and guidelines that we want out little ones to be aware of. We started off with watching some videos explaining the correct use of a Username and how it shouldn’t contain any personal information. We also talked about the how not to trust everyone you meet online, as people are not always who they say they are. We also discussed the fact that everything online can be permanent and what goes online STAYS online.

All the children engaged well and spoke in a group, sharing ideas and asking questions. Very proud of how much attention was paid to this first episode of the Wellbeing Pillar.

Sunday Walks With the Boys!

Today wasn’t exactly the picture perfect day to go to the lake but since it is close by and we enjoy being out by the shore we couldn’t resist. We spent time together learning how to skip rocks, looking at the ducks and the boats pass by and listening to the ripple of the water crashing on the shoreline.

Also this was Mr. Sergio’s last weekend and we wanted to spend a nice time together just by simply being together.