🍰Bake Off🎄

This weekend our students faced a new challenge.

We had a Bake Off Contest among the Boarding Houses and our students teamed up to bake a Vanilla Cake. Navi and Meylis were responsible for the cake.

Jeff was in charge of the decoration and frosting.

Competition was fierce as the other houses did a very good job.

But we are very proud of our first baked creation. ever.


Franconis’ Fantastic Long Weekend: Climbing, Cooking, and Spreading Joy! 🧗‍♂️🍳🎁

Hello, Collège du Léman enthusiasts! 🌟

This extended weekend was a breath of fresh air for our Franconis family, courtesy of a day off for Parent-Teacher Meetings on Monday. Our boys seized the opportunity to recharge and dive into a plethora of exciting activities.

Let’s start with Navi, our climbing extraordinaire! Scaling boulders on his usual Tuesday and Saturday climbing sessions, he showcased remarkable progress, proving that dedication and hard work truly pay off. 🧗‍♂️💪

Meanwhile, Martín and Jeff embarked on a culinary adventure with a Saturday morning cooking workshop. Despite the early hour, they embraced the challenge and returned with two delectable apple crumbles, a testament to their newfound culinary prowess. 🍏👨‍🍳

Aloísio showcased his tennis skills during his regular Sunday session, while Víctor embarked on a boarding trip to Copenhagen, adding another European destination to his impressive travel list. Where will his adventurous spirit take him next? Only time will tell! 🌍✈️

In addition to their individual pursuits, our boys made the most of the extended weekend, enjoying quality time together and with students from other boarding houses. A Sunday visit to the lake, made possible by favourable weather, added a refreshing touch to their weekend escapades. 🚣‍♂️🌞

As part of the ongoing Respect Week at Collège du Léman, our boys also participated in the Gift Box Appeal on Sunday afternoon. Volunteering their time to wrap gift boxes, they contributed to spreading joy and ensuring that vulnerable kids have presents to look forward to this Christmas. 🎁❤️

Kudos to our Franconis lads for making the most of this weekend, embodying the spirit of adventure, camaraderie, and kindness. Until the next set of escapades, keep shining, Franconis! 🌟🏞️

Celebrating Diversity: Collège du Léman’s Stand Against Bullying! 🌈🤝🌍

Hello, Collège du Léman champions of well-being! 🌟

In our ongoing quest to foster a nurturing environment, we’ve kicked off our second Well-being Pillar, and this time, our focus is on standing strong against bullying. The initial step in this empowering initiative led us to explore and celebrate the richness of diversity, specifically in terms of race and ethnicity.

Our incredible Franconis boys, alongside the entire boarding community, embarked on a meaningful journey by creating videos with their roommates. These videos shine a spotlight on the things they share in common, transcending the physical features that unite all boarders in our school. The result? An inspiring collection of videos that beautifully exemplify the unity within our diversity.

Check out the heartfelt videos below, where our students showcase the powerful connections they share beyond the surface. 🎥🤲

The Franconis family has truly outdone themselves, demonstrating that by embracing our commonalities and celebrating our differences, we create a tapestry of unity that stands resilient against bullying. 🤝🌐

A massive shoutout to our Franconis boys and the entire boarding community for their outstanding efforts in championing respect, understanding, and acceptance. Let’s continue to cultivate a culture of kindness and inclusion at Collège du Léman! 🌈🏫💙

🎢⚽Trips, Fitness & Community Service🏋️🧹

This weekend our students enjoyed different trips and activities but they were also helpful and support the community.

Victor visited a theme park in Germany and enjoyed the adrenaline on the games with his friends.

In the meantime, Martin had one of the last football games of the championship before the winter break.

Navid remained loyal to his training and practiced on the climbing wall.

Jeff dedicated a session of fitness on the gym considering the tough weather.

Our prefect Martin took initiative to help the staff cleaning and tidying up the dinning hall after dinner.

Jeff also did his part in the kitchen.

Franconis’ Rainy Weekend Adventures: Movies, Sports, and Fun! ☔🎬🎾

Hey there, Franconis’ fabulous folks! 🌧️🌟

This weekend, as the last gasps of summer slipped away, our Franconis boys embraced the chilly rain with open arms and a truckload of enthusiasm. They huddled together, shared laughs with boarders from other houses, and even conjured up a spooky cinema afternoon in honour of Halloween week! 🎃🍿📽️

Of course, our Franconis crew was in full swing, participating in the vibrant boarding community activities. Victor, Jeff, and Aloísio, three pillars of our house, dedicated their time to honing their tennis skills. Could we be witnessing the birth of a stellar tennis team? Only time will tell. 🎾🌟

Meanwhile, other students like Martín and Meylis opted for their favourite club activities, namely stretching and chess, respectively. The diversity of interests and talents within Franconis never ceases to amaze us! 🧘‍♂️♟️

And let’s not forget Navi, who had an epic climbing morning. He conquered a multitude of challenging boulders, showcasing his impressive gripping and dynamic tricks. His determination paid off, and he conquered every boulder he attempted! We’ve curated a selection of highlights, including an awe-inspiring video that perfectly captures his climbing prowess. 🧗‍♂️🎥

Here’s to Franconis’ enduring spirit, where even a rainy weekend can turn into an unforgettable adventure. Keep shining, Franconis! 🌟🌦️

A Spooktacular Halloween Bash at Collège du Léman! 🎃👻🍭

Greetings from Collège du Léman, where Halloween spirit was in the air, and the spooky shenanigans were in full swing! 🏫🎃🌟

Yesterday, we conjured up a day filled with delightful scares, sweet treats, and unforgettable experiences. Our boys embraced the Halloween spirit with open arms, welcoming kids from the school and the town for some good old-fashioned trick-or-treating. They also ventured to other boarding houses, collecting candies and sharing the Halloween fun. 🍭🎃👻

Our humble abode was transformed into a spooktacular haven for the occasion. The boys showcased their creativity by participating in our annual pumpkin carving competition, leaving us all spellbound with their fantastic creations. 🎃🔪

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! We’ve captured the essence of our Halloween festivities in a series of captivating snapshots. Check them out to relive the spooktacular moments! 📸🧟

This year’s Halloween celebration was a spine-tingling success, and we couldn’t be more proud of our students for making it an event to remember. 🌟🎉

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures and celebrations from Collège du Léman. Until then, have a fang-tastic time and keep the Halloween spirit alive! 🦇🕸️